Rumor: NBA Expansion?


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
My position still stands, NBA should expand to 40 teams. Silver needs to start being more aggressive and fight back against the NFL’s dominance and one of the ways is by directly competing in markets they’re in, markets they’ve left, and markets they haven’t tapped into.


All Star
May 20, 2012
Vegas is about to go from 0 pro sports franchises to 5 pro franchises in a span of 10 years....with 4 new stadiums

I hope Bron is a part of the ownership because he would get some big free agents to come to Vegas right out the gate... they should follow the Golden Knights business model of winning right now :ehh:


Jul 3, 2018
I would like to see Seattle Vegas Nashville and Vancouver. Vancouver a world class city
Vancouver had their chance and fccked up royally. Seattle amd Vegas are obvious, while Nashville, Kansas City, San Diego, Louisville, Richmond (pending the Wizards arena situation), amd Baltimore should be looked at as possibilities.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
My position still stands, NBA should expand to 40 teams. Silver needs to start being more aggressive and fight back against the NFL’s dominance and one of the ways is by directly competing in markets they’re in, markets they’ve left, and markets they haven’t tapped into.
Absolutely terrible idea lol

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
The talent will catch up to the expansion pretty quickly. Then they need to shift more of the games to broadcast TV by expanding the pool of networks that carry NBA games.
No it won't. 10 teams is entirely too much. That's 150 players that weren't making the league for a reason. Diluted product.

On top of that 40 teams needs more games in a season which is already an issue from a player availability standpoint. From a fan standpoint the regular season means even less.

This move would make the NBA more MLB than an NFL challenger.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
No it won't. 10 teams is entirely too much. That's 150 players that weren't making the league for a reason. Diluted product.

On top of that 40 teams needs more games in a season which is already an issue from a player availability standpoint. From a fan standpoint the regular season means even less.

This move would make the NBA more MLB than an NFL challenger.

Like I said, I think with the growing pool of international players there’s no reason to believe the talent won’t catch up to the expansion. The short term growing pains would be paid back by more engagement in more markets.

Also, if there’s more teams wouldn’t that just put a higher level of value to the 82 game season? It’s harder to take games off because you can’t risk the chance of a tiebreaker keeping your team from a higher seed. I also think expansion of that magnitude would further accelerate the growth of the talent pool by virtue of there being more opportunities available.

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012
Like I said, I think with the growing pool of international players there’s no reason to believe the talent won’t catch up to the expansion. The short term growing pains would be paid back by more engagement in more markets.

Also, if there’s more teams wouldn’t that just put a higher level of value to the 82 game season? It’s harder to take games off because you can’t risk the chance of a tiebreaker keeping your team from a higher seed. I also think expansion of that magnitude would further accelerate the growth of the talent pool by virtue of there being more opportunities available.
Excellent post :wow:

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Like I said, I think with the growing pool of international players there’s no reason to believe the talent won’t catch up to the expansion. The short term growing pains would be paid back by more engagement in more markets.

Also, if there’s more teams wouldn’t that just put a higher level of value to the 82 game season? It’s harder to take games off because you can’t risk the chance of a tiebreaker keeping your team from a higher seed. I also think expansion of that magnitude would further accelerate the growth of the talent pool by virtue of there being more opportunities available.
Like I said, 10 teams is too much and there aren't 150 players that need to be in the league that aren't today. There are not 10 extra markets that need or want NBA basketball, you will have a lot of half-empty arenas trying to do this.

I just told you there would be more games. 40 teams cannot have an 82 game schedule that would make sense. Players with the modern brand of motion-driven basketball are not playing 82 games. More games is less fan engagement and viewership as the abundance and monotony dilutes interest.

"Opportunity" doesn't grow a talent pool. The NBA finally has the parity that fans have been crying for. Why? Because the talent actually playing in the league is at the perfect balance of those who are worthy of playing at the NBA level, most teams having the same amount of All-Star level players, and having men 1-10 who can contribute to most or any team in the league.

Making the league 25% bigger kills all of that.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Like I said, 10 teams is too much and there aren't 150 players that need to be in the league that aren't today. There are not 10 extra markets that need or want NBA basketball, you will have a lot of half-empty arenas trying to do this.

I just told you there would be more games. 40 teams cannot have an 82 game schedule that would make sense. Players with the modern brand of motion-driven basketball are not playing 82 games. More games is less fan engagement and viewership as the abundance and monotony dilutes interest.

"Opportunity" doesn't grow a talent pool. The NBA finally has the parity that fans have been crying for. Why? Because the talent actually playing in the league is at the perfect balance of those who are worthy of playing at the NBA level, most teams having the same amount of All-Star level players, and having men 1-10 who can contribute to most or any team in the league.

Making the league 25% bigger kills all of that.

That’s why you pick the right places to put these teams. STL or KC make sense. SD makes sense. LV and Seattle make sense. Even Montreal and Vancouver could be pulled off imo. Also, it can be a gradual expansion not all at once.

In terms of games played my math ain’t the best but I think it could be worked out to where in conference can be two games and out of conference remains one game out of the year. It makes it more important that they win their games against specific opponents.

So if opening up the opportunity to get NBA level coaching and training doesn’t gradually increase the talent pool what does? Again, I’m certainly not saying that it would be smooth sailing starting out but I think the long term benefits outweigh the immediate struggles.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
That’s why you pick the right places to put these teams. STL or KC make sense. SD makes sense. LV and Seattle make sense. Even Montreal and Vancouver could be pulled off imo. Also, it can be a gradual expansion not all at once.

In terms of games played my math ain’t the best but I think it could be worked out to where in conference can be two games and out of conference remains one game out of the year. It makes it more important that they win their games against specific opponents.

So if opening up the opportunity to get NBA level coaching and training doesn’t gradually increase the talent pool what does? Again, I’m certainly not saying that it would be smooth sailing starting out but I think the long term benefits outweigh the immediate struggles.
You just named 5/6 cities. And no, all them don't make sense. You yourself are saying STL or KC, not both. Putting team a especially in KC, which already had a team moved, cannibalizes the OKC market.

San Diego makes little to no sense. If that's the case the Clippers would be there. Competing with the Lakers in a nearby city isn't happening. Seattle never should've lost its team. Vegas is automatic. NBA would not be gambling on both Montreal and Vancouver.

Some towns are simply not sports culture towns, or have too much of an attachment to another sport or NCAA culture to make sense. There aren't 10 cities clamoring for an NBA team.

The NBA got 6 teams added in a 7 year span ('88 to '95), and that was too fast. How gradual does this need to be? It'll get to the point where it defeats the purpose your supposed fight against the NFL.

It doesn't work. It won't be "remaining" 1 game out of conference because a team plays an Interconference opponent twice a year, not once. Divisional games a 4 year, non-division conference opponents 3 or 4 times. So now you're adding a bunch of teams just to limit their matches against each other, in a game based on 7 game series when it truly matters. Doesn't make sense.

NBA coaching doesn't matter when talking about players making the league. They are not getting NBA coaching before draft day, and all you're doing in opening the door for more players who had a lower baseline of talent than before.

Does it make sense for the NFL to add 8-10 teams, 10 being the equivalent addition by percentage?

Does it make sense for the MLB to add 10 teams? The baseball world has been worried about it's loss of relevancd for years, why not make the league 33% bigger? By your logic they need it more than the NBA.

Talent and product dilution.

Magically adding teams doesn't build talent when you need the talent to get there, and all that's being added is bad teams for good teams to beat up on.

Again, 6 teams were added in 7 years. This thinned the talent pool out enough for 1 team to win 6 times in 8 years, and with most of the teams being added to the East, bred the "weak East" of the post-Jordan era people bring up. Repeating that to the tune of 10 teams will be even worse.

Talent is discovered/honed before going pro, not taking athletes and trying to coach them up to your professional standard. The 90s and 00s had too many boom or bust floaters and buns behind this mentality.

The lack of smooth sailing is why it won't be and shouldn't be done. There is and should be no interest in weakening a product and taking risks on potency of market engagement to say 30 years later you have 10 extra teams to try to combat a 32-team league that is astronomically successful based on scarcity, not abundance.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
That’s why you pick the right places to put these teams. STL or KC make sense. SD makes sense. LV and Seattle make sense. Even Montreal and Vancouver could be pulled off imo. Also, it can be a gradual expansion not all at once.

In terms of games played my math ain’t the best but I think it could be worked out to where in conference can be two games and out of conference remains one game out of the year. It makes it more important that they win their games against specific opponents.

So if opening up the opportunity to get NBA level coaching and training doesn’t gradually increase the talent pool what does? Again, I’m certainly not saying that it would be smooth sailing starting out but I think the long term benefits outweigh the immediate struggles.
After Vegas & Seattle I see the league going international. Mexico City, Paris, or another Canadian city. No disrespect to places like KC, Louisville, STL, etc., but the league already has places like that in Milwaukee, Utah, New Orleans, etc. After Vegas & Seattle, if there is anything after that expansion wise, Silver and company are going to swing for the fences outside the USA.