Simp City
Let's be honest, if the white man (and some did just that) came through on some we're going to take you over and enslave you . What could Africans do to stop it? I agree with twism. Being food for other races is not a good look. We got to get our weight up, no excuses, you can't hang around sharks all and expect not to get tested. Why can't black people do like the jews did and be on some "never again" type stuff. For better or for worse, Israel is capable of defending itself. Why we got to be stuck on some bytchmade victim shyt? Entire groups of people have been wiped off the face of the earth because they weren't in the proper position, fukk that. This is the survival of the fittest. It's not right, it's just is. Men need women for the survival of the human race, but what do white people need niggas for? We are expendable.