Rosenberg Gets Props For Dissin Nicki But Benzino Is Hated For Stating The Obvious


Jun 11, 2012
are you serious?

for starters, rosenberg is a part of the machine that has been apart of f*cking up the hip hop landscape since 2000 so he's not getting props for sh!t. at the end of the day, he's a dj that's going to play the records that his bosses tell him to play because it's a job. i doubt that his ass is going to bite the hand that feeds him being that he got fired from a radio station before. it wouldn't surprise me if all that whole young money/hot 97 controversy is fake like wrestling beef used to beef up ratings and then all of a sudden out of nowhere, they hug and make up and hot 97 jumps on their d!ck more heavier than they were sucking them off before. benzino took it a step further as using his power at the top head of a magazine which at the time he was in charge had a lot of clout as a damn business where he put certain artists over others in exchange for money and other sh!t as well as his damn self and his own rap group. all that dissing eminem sh!t he was doing was out of jealousy. all the sh!t he was b!tching about wouldn't be an issue if he was in eminem's position. he claimed that he was the truth but yet he couldn't acknowledge any wrongdoings on his part which says everything right there.

you're saying that people should give benzino props for f*cking up hip hop because that's exactly what he did. i do not call forcing your way into the source magazine and then turning into into what hot 97 is now except in print back in the late 90s and early 2000s until your magazine got called out for it's bullsh!t anything to give props over. you don't know what you're talking about.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
You can't put Benzino in a conversation about actual rappers and musicians. Even with payola and his own magazine propping up his sorry ass career he couldn't go aluminum.


what payola?

I covered the topic from the get-go... some of the other replies were in direct response to things said in the thread... what more do you want?

It's already been said... you don't wanna see it... the message was bullshyt because the messenger was full of shyt, simple as that. Somebody's damaging hip-hop when you ain't cool wit' em and you got an album to promote, but they were one of the greatest six months ago. Bullshyt.

The only message that really held any weight was that at one time, this rapper made some racially-charged tapes about a girl. THAT was the only thing of merit that came out of the whole thing. Because at least with that, it was something discovered (about a year into this whole ordeal) that had everyone step back and say :leon: The rest of that shyt prior, nobody batted an eye to, cause it was bogus and it came from the same mag that spent years givin' him props.

wait wait. the message was bullchit? i stopped reading right there. i dont respect any black person that says anything like that. i forced myself to dap you in the other thread off the strength of you being a nice guy and the fact that you know your r&b. but i cant f**k with you at all.

and its funny how you keep repeating the same chit and acting like benzino was giving eminem a bunch of props beforehand. i see now that youre on c00n patrol. i dont respect your kind.


May 8, 2012
wait wait. the message was bullchit? i stopped reading right there. i dont respect any black person that says anything like that. i forced myself to dap you in the other thread off the strength of you being a nice guy and the fact that you know your r&b. but i cant f**k with you at all.

and its funny how you keep repeating the same chit and acting like benzino was giving eminem a bunch of props beforehand. i see now that youre on c00n patrol. i dont respect your kind.

The message of Eminem "ruining hip-hop" was bullshyt. Yes. It was.

You don't have to respect me... I already said it and I stand by it. ONCE AGAIN, Benzino and his magazine gave Eminem props NONSTOP for years. His albums were included in the best of the year lists, his singles were included in the best of the year lists, his lyrics were Hip-Hop Quotable'd numerous times, he as an MC was considered second only to Jay-Z in his era... all this by the "authentic" magazine run by Benzino. But soon as Em and Benzino ain't cool no more? Eminem's the cancer of hip-hop and an industry-created Great White Hype. So yes, it was bullshyt. It happened exactly that way.

You don't have to respect me or that, but like I said, I read that fukkin' mag from 1991 to about 2004, faithfully. I bought that sh*t monthly just on the strength of it being The Source, even when I had a gut feeling that it'd be a wack issue. And I actually READ the shyt through and throughout. So yeah, I'm well aware of how pro-Eminem that magazine was all the way up until they fell out. If you're not aware of that? Ay, maybe you shoulda read more instead of just lookin' at the pictures and the mics. :obama:

Not surprised you pulled the c00n card out tho'... it's usually the last line of defense when someone doesn't know what they're talkin' about and the other one does.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
^i pulled the c00n card because its justified. i dont need it to be a "last line of defense" i have plenty to say. im just calling it like i see it. and it makes sense. you always showed signs but i used to just brush it off as you being a corny dude.

the message was bullchit how? did everything that they predicted, not come true? did hip-hop as a whole not go completely down the tubes almost immediately after that as well? and i know youre not really in touch with alot of stuff but practically everything that benzino said was stuff that niccas was already saying for years leading up to that moment.

lol @ eminem being seen as ahead of nas and a host of others.

again, when did benzino himself give all these big props to eminem? you keep ignoring this and repeating yourself. another trait that i dont respect at all. just because it was printed in the source, doesnt mean that benzino agreed. theres artists that got big props in that magazine that benzino didnt even like. and on the flipside, theres artists who didnt get their just due from that magazine that benzino was a big fan of. you keep ignoring this and using all these lil bi*ch tactics to "prove a point". im at the point where im just ready to ignore you altogether.

hey genius, ever heard of a subscription?

and eminem never got all these red carpet props that youre saying. sure, there were certain writers that would overhype him in their articles, but overall eminem was displeased with how he was regarded by the source. lets be real, his best album only got 3 1/2 mics(which is all it was worth when it dropped). and lol @ the year-end lists. i hate to break it to you, but all they did was list the most successful/most pushed albums & singles. they would sneak in 1 or 2 sleepers to add "legitimacy" to the list. thats all they did. lol. get a clue.


May 8, 2012
^i pulled the c00n card because its justified. i dont need it to be a "last line of defense" i have plenty to say. im just calling it like i see it. and it makes sense. you always showed signs but i used to just brush it off as you being a corny dude.

the message was bullchit how? did everything that they predicted, not come true? did hip-hop as a whole not go completely down the tubes almost immediately after that as well? and i know youre not really in touch with alot of stuff but practically everything that benzino said was stuff that niccas was already saying for years leading up to that moment.

lol @ eminem being seen as ahead of nas and a host of others.

again, when did benzino himself give all these big props to eminem? you keep ignoring this and repeating yourself. another trait that i dont respect at all. just because it was printed in the source, doesnt mean that benzino agreed. theres artists that got big props in that magazine that benzino didnt even like. and on the flipside, theres artists who didnt get their just due from that magazine that benzino was a big fan of. you keep ignoring this and using all these lil bi*ch tactics to "prove a point". im at the point where im just ready to ignore you altogether.

hey genius, ever heard of a subscription?

and eminem never got all these red carpet props that youre saying. sure, there were certain writers that would overhype him in their articles, but overall eminem was displeased with how he was regarded by the source. lets be real, his best album only got 3 1/2 mics(which is all it was worth when it dropped). and lol @ the year-end lists. i hate to break it to you, but all they did was list the most successful/most pushed albums & singles. they would sneak in 1 or 2 sleepers to add "legitimacy" to the list. thats all they did. lol. get a clue.

Aight, let's talk about it...

Your "c00n" card is only justified in your mind because of your alternate reality line of thinking that presents your opinions as facts, even when you're dead ass wrong. So go ahead and think I'm a "c00n" just cause I don't agree with you... won't be the first time you were wrong about somethin' but convinced yourself to be right about it anyway.

I've told you like 15 times why the message was bullshyt. I'm not sayin' that shyt again. The industry and hip-hop in particular wasn't exactly at its peak in 2002 either, so their articles didn't foreshadow a gotdamn thing. The Source was writing shyt about "the state of hip-hop" since the mid-90s, the era that you and I got love for and some of their writers felt otherwise. So them writing about it in 2002 just like they'd BEEN doin' proves shyt.

If you have/had the 150th issue in '02, they had an article in which they determined who was (in their opinion) the greatest MC of all time. The contention was broken up into eras. The late-70s early 80s was given to Caz, mid-80s was given to LL, Golden Age was given to Rakim, Second Golden Age went to Biggie (edging out Nas), and the present era (at the time) boiled down to a dead heat between Jay-Z and Eminem, which went to Jay. This is the Source's own staff of writers that did this... the staff that six months later swore Em was the worst thing going. Don't laugh at me for bringing it up, laugh at them for putting it in their pages.

They gave this dude accolade all the time. Gave him good ratings all the time. Gave him THEIR COVETED AWARDS. And every Eminem album up to that point got 4 mics... I don't know where you get 3 1/2 from. That's fact... you can call it "bytch tactics", but since you're the one who remembers what album skits you listened to most in October of 1993 and shyt like that, then remember all THAT shyt happened too.

And I remember the article clearly... talking about how the push of Eminem was damaging the industry, and how other rappers who deserved to sell couldn't because he was taking up all the spotlight. Which wasn't true, of course, because other artists who people liked had no problem selling with or without Eminem around. Jay-Z, Nas, Outkast, Nelly, Ja Rule, Snoop, Ludacris, DMX, or whoever didn't suffer one bit... but guess whose sales always suffered, no matter WHO was out?

Don't discredit me because I come with fact to back my opinions, and you just come with insults to back yours.
May 27, 2012
another thread where a tranny chasing fakkit is trying to portray an opinion.

Everytime you drop to your knees to suck a human beings dikk that has titties on their body at the same time, your opinion on a male dominated culture becomes more and more irrelevant, fakkit.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Aight, let's talk about it...

Your "c00n" card is only justified in your mind because of your alternate reality line of thinking that presents your opinions as facts, even when you're dead ass wrong. So go ahead and think I'm a "c00n" just cause I don't agree with you... won't be the first time you were wrong about somethin' but convinced yourself to be right about it anyway.

I've told you like 15 times why the message was bullshyt. I'm not sayin' that shyt again. The industry and hip-hop in particular wasn't exactly at its peak in 2002 either, so their articles didn't foreshadow a gotdamn thing. The Source was writing shyt about "the state of hip-hop" since the mid-90s, the era that you and I got love for and some of their writers felt otherwise. So them writing about it in 2002 just like they'd BEEN doin' proves shyt.

If you have/had the 150th issue in '02, they had an article in which they determined who was (in their opinion) the greatest MC of all time. The contention was broken up into eras. The late-70s early 80s was given to Caz, mid-80s was given to LL, Golden Age was given to Rakim, Second Golden Age went to Biggie (edging out Nas), and the present era (at the time) boiled down to a dead heat between Jay-Z and Eminem, which went to Jay. This is the Source's own staff of writers that did this... the staff that six months later swore Em was the worst thing going. Don't laugh at me for bringing it up, laugh at them for putting it in their pages.

They gave this dude accolade all the time. Gave him good ratings all the time. Gave him THEIR COVETED AWARDS. And every Eminem album up to that point got 4 mics... I don't know where you get 3 1/2 from. That's fact... you can call it "bytch tactics", but since you're the one who remembers what album skits you listened to most in October of 1993 and shyt like that, then remember all THAT shyt happened too.

And I remember the article clearly... talking about how the push of Eminem was damaging the industry, and how other rappers who deserved to sell couldn't because he was taking up all the spotlight. Which wasn't true, of course, because other artists who people liked had no problem selling with or without Eminem around. Jay-Z, Nas, Outkast, Nelly, Ja Rule, Snoop, Ludacris, DMX, or whoever didn't suffer one bit... but guess whose sales always suffered, no matter WHO was out?

Don't discredit me because I come with fact to back my opinions, and you just come with insults to back yours.

its very justified. and even then, i wasnt gonna call you that until you started the name-calling in the other thread. so save the "you just come back with insults" for somebody thats not too bright.

for the millionth time....since you keep duckin....for the millionth time danj.:comeon:.........danj:comeon:.......i ask you. when did benzino himself give all this praise to eminem?

yea i remember the 150th issue. it was the main reference i used to a school project at the time. yes, i remember that article. yes, black people who read it thought that it was bullchit. but it was understood that the source had white writers and were quick to hype up eminem.

as for the mics, eminem HIMSELF used to complain about the mics that he was given. the highest mic rating he got was 4 mics for the eminem show, which came out after the 150th issue, which in turn made the writers at the source look even more foolish for hyping up eminem. we can play your game from all angles homie. even by using your own "logic", you still make no real points.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
youre like that dude in house party that showed up all late talkin bout "i know the party aint over yet".

im not even gonna entertain this irrelevant to the topic & severely misinformed question at this point. let him stay in the dark.