Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [Official Thread]

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
I only liked the ending...was I the only one? :jbhmm:

Watched it this weekend. First 3/4 were boring as hell. Setup didn't make a bit of sense. Contradicts canon. Space fight looked bad as hell and loved the guerilla warfare, but again, didn't make a lick of sense. I had so many problems with it.

* The Empire is running all over the place for one scientist who's supposed to be so smart they need him for a space station? This is the damned Empire. They don't need some Jedi of scientists.
* The whole idea of a deliberate weakness in the space station contradicts everything else said about it in Star Wars. We see hacks everyday. People fukk up and leave weaknesses in massive programs all the time. That's how hacks work.
* And, if the space station had a weakness all the dad had to do was tell them where to shoot. There wouldn't have been a need to break into an Imperial military complex.
* Thought the kung fu priest was corny.
* Thought making Jyn a super warrior wasn't necessary. Would have been nice to see them not turn another nobody into a pseudo-Jedi. She fought maybe 1 time. Should have made her another kind of hero.
* Biggest complaint was trying to make Star Wars like a modern war with the rebels acting like terrorists. Yeah, I understand the theme, but Star Wars is old school good guys-bad guys not Rebels shooing people in the back and popping scientists (after the dude's job is done anyway wtf).


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Movie was C+ status, it was pretty bland and boring until the 3rd act. The whole movie seemed rushed though, they would be in one place for 5 mins then dip to another all while juggling different characters which made it hard to follow at some points.

All the characters were unforgettable imo and Jyn was probably one of the worst SW protag. She just stood around with her bytch face showing little to no emotion. The fukking robot was the only funny nikka in the whole movie and he wasn't even that funny :mjlol: Vader was cool but felt off for some reason, i think we needed him earlier in the movie or maybe we just needed some fukking Jedis. At least have Jyn find a saber and put the crystal around her neck to use. What was the purpose of them telling us that she has it? :gucci: fukking tease to put asses in seats. No more SW movies without lightsabers (the majority of the movie) or Jedis please

Jyn dying in a duel with Vader would be a way better ending then dying on the beach
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Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
I saw it, I can't get into these star wars movies

I dozed off during the first hour, yeah I'm done with star wars. Tfa was a major dud and boring too. They will never be able to capture the original feeling of the first 3, that was a special time, special actors and tone. shyt will continue to make billions but it's definitely not deserving.