Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [Official Thread]


Oct 9, 2015
Avengers compound
Finally finished the Clone Wars series.....


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Yay for Disney. I hope the success of this movie gives other production companies more faith in the storytellers to tell darker stories and not wrap every ending up in a happy bow.
Rogue One director says its original ending was very different

Rogue One director says its original ending was very different

by Rich McCormick Dec 20, 2016, 4:52am EST SHARE
Lucasfilm / Walt Disney Studios
Rogue One could have been a very different film. Reports of extensive reshoots persisted during its production, and the fact it underwent severe story surgery is backed up by shots seen in the trailers that didn’t make it into the final film. We may never know what the first version of the first Star Wars spinoff looked like, but director Gareth Edwards — who spoke to movie magazine Empire this month — has confirmed that Rogue One’s original ending was one such cutting-room casualty.

Major Rogue One spoilers are coming below, stop reading now if you haven’t seen the movie yet and want to stay in the dark.

A totally changed ending could hint at a fundamental misunderstanding between director and studio, but rather than a sop to a playing-it-safe company that wanted a softer conclusion, Rogue One’s ending was tweaked to make it darker. Edwards says the original script had the main characters survive, rather than die during the battle of Scarif — not because he wanted to keep them alive, but purely because he had assumed Disney wouldn’t let him kill them off. Edwards says that after reading the script, the production staff saw only one way out for Jyn and friends. “Everyone read that and there was this feeling of like, ‘They’ve got to die, right?’ And everyone was like, ‘Yeah, can we?’” But with the famously family-friendly Disney in charge, Edwards originally looked for another, lighter, more survivable ending.

That was, until Disney gave him the green light to kill everyone. “We thought we weren’t going to be allowed to but Kathy [Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm] and everyone at Disney were like ‘Yeah it makes sense. I guess they have to because they’re not in A New Hope,’” Edwards told Empire. From then on, he had his license to kill, and the survivor ending wasn’t even filmed. “I kept waiting for someone to go, ‘You know what? Could we just film an extra scene where we see Jyn and Cassian, they’re okay and they’re on another planet?’” Edwards says. “And it never came. No one ever gave us that note, so we got to do it.”


And the fandom for this movie has exploded. It may really fire up production and backing for all of the other side stories. Or maybe some of the side story characters in this movie will get their own sides stories? People want more background information about all of the characters. And the memes endless. These are a few of my favorites so far:
