I can sort of understand females spreading rumors because that's what they do. But grown men on this site spreading false rumors like a hoe.

Who raised these dudes?
The same women that KS is talking about who are 'hard', masculine.
Those women that call into his show that state that they have kids and are looking for a HV man, those kids of theirs will grow up with the make-up of that woman/women who called into the show.
Notice, when KS would ask those women if they have kids, most would say yes, kids would be under 15 majority of them, of those women that call into the show, I can bet you, that those same kids have emotional issues, tend to cry when they lose, tend to be hyper active, tend to fuss, can't accept accountability, just like their mama can't, you can see that their mama can't take/accept accountability from when they call up to KS show and they have push back, sass, etc. You know they are not teaching accountablity to their kids.
Accountability, when not accepted, makes a person, especially women , LIE, Falsify things, be messy, and stay emotional and angry
Accountability when not accepted by men, makes a man, sneaky, liars, snakish, thief, a leech, etc.
Those same kids will grow into grown men and women, the men, will harbor those same tendencies that their mama who in 2020-2022 called into KS show or posted on Twitter.
It's a direct connect.