RIP Kevin Samuels


Nov 18, 2016
Hot Take***

Red Bulls where created by White Men to take down powerfull black men.....Nah but seriously when I first started watching dude 6 months ago the only thing that seemed off to me was why the fk he drinking those Red Bulls like that first they taste like shyt and second there are safer energy drinks....If he having them almost every show like that then it was habit he prob averaged 10 a week. for 10+ years...Everyone has genetic triggers some people can smoke cigs till they 90 others get lung cancer in they 40's I guess this shyt did him in...

I can see why people would talk shyt he was controversial but he spoke mostly truth IMO and went off numbers/facts
This is my sig now
Thank you

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Seriously tho,

Kevin provided

1. Data points
2. Detailed reasoning
3. His foundation was simply to build a better Black community.
4. He simply wanted us to understand we can be our better selves but understand men and women are NOT the same.

Kevin is most know for average at best. In reality, he should be known for his ability regardless of race to be able to get a female to really understand her level.

I still remember when Kevin first started, no Black woman caller had any respect for him or any BM. They were rude and was like, you should cater to me as if she was Beyonce and that's a hell no for even Beyonce. It took time for women to understand that us as BM are valuable.

BW saw no value in blue collar men. They almost looked down on them in terms of his callers. Yet, that caller would be lucky if a blue collar man gave her the time of day.

The more I think about it. Homie was a legend if you watched his shyt. If you didn't or watched bits and pieces, you probably have a completely different view. That's fine but note, Kevin did a lot of good.

The image of BM within our own is much higher due to Kevin.

Kevin wasn't perfect. I didn't fukk with his politics and Kevin would avoid race talk in terms of racism like it was the plague and when he did hover over it, he thought about it and steered clear learning from his time in corporate America.

I do think there was many BW who liked Kevin, and there are many more who hate him and think any BW who likes him is a pick me and any BM who likes him is a misogynist. They are free to their opinions although celebrating his death is some satanic shyt.

He was the best I've seen at this shyt and I saw Tariq in the early 2000s, that white boy - Neil Strauss and many more come over the years especially when the field was less saturated. Kevin was the best.

He was clear, precise, he had a great eye for what is good content, he could read the room, he always seek ways to improve himself, he understood what man in general wanted so most of us didn't mind him speaking for us and he used Christian principles so it was hard too go too far to the left field without having hell to pay.

When he started, he was just doing shows on getting what you want and being a HVM and a HVW. It became more HVM and the women (most) who want them. What was crazy is so many women wanted a HVM, even the ones who probably would be lucky to even get a man who is capable of walking and talking. They seen men as if they are checks or for their entertainment.

It was crazy. What started happening is we realize most of the bad that these women get are their own fault.

I used to be one of those tough on men dudes. Unless you deal with trash, you generally shouldn't lose as a BM and it's your fault.

I started to realize, this is mainly BW fault. They started moving the goalpost when married. That got bored in the marriage. They didn't value their husband. They started to make more. They don't want to work and have kids. Like, what the fukk! All of a sudden, we started to see that, all of this shyt we blamed on men felt apart with nothing the man really did wrong.

At this point, I truly believe 90% of divorces and breakups are women fault. And truthfully, I don't even think they wanted 70% of those men. They felt like they settled but when Kevin starts asking questions, we start to realize, bytch, this is as good as it gets. You did as well as you possibly could.

I really think that fukked many women up. That and also just from my time on LSA. Women don't listen when they think they hear something they don't want to hear.

For example, you can say something like once a women is 35+, her options when it comes to marriage dramatically drops because of the options. They hear that, even the best of them and think, so you saying I gotta by a dog?

No, we just saying, at this stage, your options drop tremendous on the marketplace. You need to know what you want and be capable of attracting it for marriage. Not just for fun. But a lot of women can't comprehend for shyt. Especially if they are currently going through it.

It's strange to us men because we been going through this since middle school but in reality, who has told women this shyt on a national stage with the right appearance and value. I know Jason, Tommy, and many others have but let's be honest, most men don't tell women shyt because we simply don't benefit from it
