Bounty Hunter
Ratings and attendance were continuously declining way before they started pushing women's wrestling to the forefront. The product as a whole is in poor shape and has been for a while.
WRONG. I thought you were supposed to be the wrestling geek here?
Attendance: down another 11% last quarter.

Ratings: down 13%

For a DECADE the ratings and live attendance was going down 2-4% at MOST...
Women enter the picture as normal wrestlers... down 30% in ratings and attendance in THREE YEARS. During WRESTLEMANIA SEASON.

“Everyone knows wwe been STEADY declining” 2% a year vs 14 percent a year... lmao
“Plans could change” - dave
Im used to alternative MARK history like “russo ruined the wrestling biz”, “samoa joe is a draw” and “hulk hogan is a bad guy for making money while not being able to “work””. Believe vince mcmahons reason of “big name talent wasnt around “ (which means aka the women aint DRAWS....) , while homie dh said he started slowing the girls down last night.
So thanks for accusing me of not knowing what im talking about when you so caught up in girls wrestling MaRKen. When you read it in your bibl—-... i mean observer youll understand i hope
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