Rihanna Admits To Fcking Jay Z


Aug 12, 2012
No Incog here so, fukk it. I'll tell what I know. Angela, Beyonce's cousin who was also her long term personal assistant, has a brother named Larry. Larry used to date a friend of mine. He said that Jay used to be abusive toward Beyonce, and it was no secret among the family. They didn't like him and didn't think that he deserved her. Beyonce and Jay have broken up on multiple occasions, usually after it had pretty much been confirmed he cheated on her. He has cheated on Beyonce, multiple times, all of which she knows about and has accepted. Tina told Beyonce that men cheat, that's not enough reason to give up a relationship. Is it any wonder she let Mathew fukk around on her so many years? The Beyince women were known to be very submissive to their men (which is one of the reasons the relationship didn't pan out between my friend and Larry...she's not the submissive type).

The last time Beyonce left Jay is when all the word broke about him cheating with Rihanna. Jay initially denied that he and Rihanna had a sexual relationship, but Beyonce told him if she caught him in a lie she'd be gone for good, to which he finally fessed up they'd been involved in a sexual relationship. Beyonce was crushed. Before when Jay cheated, it was with women who weren't in her circle and that she didn't have to constantly be around/see/hear about...but with Rihanna it was different...it was with someone who would constantly be in her face. Jay had to work hard to get her back, but when he did he vowed to never hurt her like that again. They were doing fine after that, but he's definitely taken a lot out of her and she's had to put in a lot of work to get him on the up and up. As far as their current relationship, I have no clue. But I know from what I heard, in the past, Jay was nothing nice.


The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
all this smut is doing is proving this right:


god bless the lame who believes the sob story of a 44 year old Rihanna and wifes her :whew:

but :salute: to beyonce to the open marriage thing and letting him fukk around as long as he doesn't bring it home :salute:

To be fair, she could be worth 100 mil by that point.

I mean, it's not quite the same as dating the bytch from the Bronx that let that nikka slap her around while she was sucking his dikk.
May 15, 2013
fukk an open marriage, don't get married if youre going to screw around.
I'm not surprised about Tina and her husband being in an open relationship, that's why her ass got cheated on lmaoooooo