NYC Rebel
...on the otherside of the pond
It does matter. Cam is the one whose PR Rep is a republican strategist and here you are making Cam off to be cutsie and said "goofy things."Doesn't matter if he boasts it, it was/is common knowledge he was/is a republican. Has he changed his stance since? Maybe. I don't know.
He didn't challenge anything; if he could've been a white quarterback he would've been. He even said he wanted to be compared to Aaron Rodgers like you alluded. If he was smart, he would've embraced his athleticism instead of running away from it because that's the way the game was turning. I don't agree with how Shanahan ran him into the ground though.
He wasn't railing against any establishment; America loved him because he was safe and if you closed your eyes he sounded just like one of your buddies at the office. If he was that outspoken and for the cause as you're saying, people would've hated him like they do Kaep and Cam.
Cam has said some goofy things but he's of and for the culture. RG3 is a cornball brother like Rob said.
No..:Cam said harmful things RG3 never said. "We are beyond racism as a nation" -Cam

Man please....RG3 has never been such a buffoon. He just doesn't give you the optics you're looking for.