Read any book on ADHD and y’all will laugh.
“Impulsivity” in Black men is “the explorer gene” in other races. They celebrate hyperactivity in their kids if they accept adhd as a positive
They have their kids on ADHD drugs as toddlers.
Black people don’t touch adhd drugs till way later. What black kids get in trouble for in school they lionize in white kids
What’s also funny is the shyt some of y’all laugh at as a solution for Black kids in this forum is what they say should be used for their kids.
The problem is that this country takes things meant for poor people and put a premium on it. ADHD kids need engagement, Montessori style learning, and PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CHALLENGES. Alot of these things are implemented in private schools but were created for everyone. Especially if you’re Black and in a bad environment, your body is craving dopamine and release. You are being bombarded with negative energy and taking it in, you have to find a way to get it out.
He projected his communities problems with SSRI on us to get us to do share cropping again. We are not the ones who upped the black market sales of ADHD Drugs.
There was a Reddit post the other day about how we treat ADHD in the black community. We do not hop on these drugs till later because we refuse to “wish disease” on ourselves or kids. When adults finally realize they got it or autism they then see it in their parents or siblings. Then when they convince their elderly parents to get on stimulates, they actually lament about what could’ve been. We know damn well Black parents ain’t just giving their kids adhd medicine like that, THATS THEIR COMMUNITY AND THEY ADMIT IT IN COUNTLESS BOOKS.
If we gave kid those drugs at a young age we would have the same problems as them and probably the same out comes in school tho. And they would have to find another thing to explain inferiority, wouldn’t be able to use “impulsiveness”