I agree. And a lot of the time when I see someone use cac on here, it's often accompanied with the same sentiment of "

ain't white folks cray". I'm not advocating for the censorship, but just pointing out that it seems hypocritical to me that some slurs are censored, and others aren't ... and are used excessively, even.
You're dissecting my post, but I've already stated that the intent behind the word is everything. I'm not on here enough and I don't freequent enough threads to see everything that goes on, but I get a general feeling that cac is an ignorant term, but not one that's trying to dehumanize white people. In fact, I don't think cac even applies to all white people. At least that's the consensus I get.
Yeahhhh, but if it's such a horrible word, then why do we use it like it's nothing? You can't have it both ways. You can't say it's the worst slur someone could say, but then say it yourself with a new meaning, and not expect other races not to also use it as "endearment".
I can't have it both ways?? A woman calls another woman a "bytch" and its cool. A man calls a woman a "bytch" and its a deragatory term. I'ma have the same answer for everything you're trying to debate me about. Black people don't use the n-word at each other with the INTENT of being malicious or condescending towards one another. I do think its a horrible word and I don't use it in real life (although I occassionally use it on here), and I think it'd be best if we just eradicated it from our vocabulary. But nonblacks feign ignorance about the word in order to confer the justification for using it.
Plus, you're assuming that everyone else has the same knowledge that we have of the historical mistreatment of blacks in America. How do you know some Hispanic or European KNOWS EXACTLY the effect it has on a black person?
They may not know exactly, but they have a pretty good understanding of it. If a person living in some secluded village in Asia uses the word, it will not annoy me as much as if a white American uses it. And who uses diction that they don't understand? I've argued before that racism/racial epitephs are far more complicated than what people want to acknowledge. People want to simplify it and skirt over a lot of things to justify how things are and how things should be. But there are many nuances regarding racism and racist ideology (which I'm not going to go into because I could fill a book) that get overlooked too much.
I'm complaining about it's overuse, and I'm black. It's easy breh. If I wouldn't want to be referred to as any racial slur, why would I use a term like that against another race? It's called sympathy.
You making me repeat myself. Scustin Bieber already addressed a lot of things. I'm not saying its right, but don't put it on the level of ******. Let's take other negative words/phrases for example: Calling somebody as "punk-ass motherfukker" stings a lot more than calling them a "dummy". They're both derogatory, they're both negative, but can we stop pretending that they convey the same message. ****** has been around for hundreds of years. Cac is stil in its infant stages and will never convey the same power. We can debate all day about the use of the term cac on here, and that's fine, but the argument falls apart to me when its compared to the n word.
Oh wow, and I really can't believe you said the bolded. You realize a white person can justify their racism and say nikka by using your exact words, and changing some definitions, right? Like this:
"I think most whites use nigg
a they same way they use homie, pal, friend, dude, ect. It's not a nice word, but it's not meant to dehumanize."
"I think most whites use nigg
er they same way they use dumbass, idiot, moron, etc. They're not nice words, but they're not meant to dehumanize."
^^^ Would you let your white friend get away with saying the N-word if he gave you that rationalization?
And I can't believe you responded with THIS. You're really trying to warp reality with this. White people are not as ignorant as they've led you to believe. What you're saying are things they say to justify using the n word. But for any of this to stick, an alternate reality would have to exist where white people were oppressed and subjucted to slavery, Jim Crow, and modern day hostility. White people throw the n-word around all the time when they're alone, but they check themselves around blacks because they know EXACTLY the connotations associated with the word. They have no legitimate justifcation in the world for using it, especially because they know how it affects the black psyche.