Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Oh wow, and I really can't believe you said the bolded. You realize a white person can justify their racism and say nikka by using your exact words, and changing some definitions, right? Like this:

"I think most whites use nigga they same way they use homie, pal, friend, dude, ect. It's not a nice word, but it's not meant to dehumanize."
"I think most whites use nigger they same way they use dumbass, idiot, moron, etc. They're not nice words, but they're not meant to dehumanize."

^^^ Would you let your white friend get away with saying the N-word if he gave you that rationalization?
Exactly breh :cheers:

Racial slurs should eliminated period. Or used minimally(only if funny imo).

If you can't say it in a professional setting, you probably have no business saying it all. We got some true intellectual tough guys in here, who can only express their disdain of others through slanderous profanity, when they're not around.....


Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation

The gave us lemons, we made lemonade....

They called us N1gger, we flipped it, and started calling each other "n1ggas"

You see where I'm going. The meaning of term differentiates.

When I use the phrase "My N1gga" nothing is implied but consolidated brotherhood or truths amongst fellow blacks...

When I use the term Cracker,me as a black person, there's nothing positive about the way this term is expressed..

Also the main way cracker / cac is used on the-coli / sohh makes it a descriptive adjective(oxymoron)


:smh: @ this dumb ass cracker / CAC

Is that not an insult, and wouldn't white people find that offensive?

Couldn't that be viewed as racist, from a white person's point of view, especially if it originated from a non-white person.

By this logic, I guess it's ok for non-black people to say n1gga too, right. It's doesn't have the same meaning of n1gger, sohh it must be ok.....

Funny how this thread says different.....

But the poster in question is "black"....

:popcorn: Gotcha,

Yeah because racism is simply a ploy used by the rich to keep poor whites on even playing.

:yawn: Let me know if you want a brief history lesson.....

But like I always say, civilization won't truly progress until, the world is made up a of a more heterogeneous society where everyone is undeniably mixed with another race.

Why you gossipin? fukk you mean "black"

I am black.


May 6, 2012
I agree. And a lot of the time when I see someone use cac on here, it's often accompanied with the same sentiment of ":heh: ain't white folks cray". I'm not advocating for the censorship, but just pointing out that it seems hypocritical to me that some slurs are censored, and others aren't ... and are used excessively, even.

You're dissecting my post, but I've already stated that the intent behind the word is everything. I'm not on here enough and I don't freequent enough threads to see everything that goes on, but I get a general feeling that cac is an ignorant term, but not one that's trying to dehumanize white people. In fact, I don't think cac even applies to all white people. At least that's the consensus I get.

Yeahhhh, but if it's such a horrible word, then why do we use it like it's nothing? You can't have it both ways. You can't say it's the worst slur someone could say, but then say it yourself with a new meaning, and not expect other races not to also use it as "endearment".

I can't have it both ways?? A woman calls another woman a "bytch" and its cool. A man calls a woman a "bytch" and its a deragatory term. I'ma have the same answer for everything you're trying to debate me about. Black people don't use the n-word at each other with the INTENT of being malicious or condescending towards one another. I do think its a horrible word and I don't use it in real life (although I occassionally use it on here), and I think it'd be best if we just eradicated it from our vocabulary. But nonblacks feign ignorance about the word in order to confer the justification for using it.

Plus, you're assuming that everyone else has the same knowledge that we have of the historical mistreatment of blacks in America. How do you know some Hispanic or European KNOWS EXACTLY the effect it has on a black person?

They may not know exactly, but they have a pretty good understanding of it. If a person living in some secluded village in Asia uses the word, it will not annoy me as much as if a white American uses it. And who uses diction that they don't understand? I've argued before that racism/racial epitephs are far more complicated than what people want to acknowledge. People want to simplify it and skirt over a lot of things to justify how things are and how things should be. But there are many nuances regarding racism and racist ideology (which I'm not going to go into because I could fill a book) that get overlooked too much.

I'm complaining about it's overuse, and I'm black. It's easy breh. If I wouldn't want to be referred to as any racial slur, why would I use a term like that against another race? It's called sympathy.

You making me repeat myself. Scustin Bieber already addressed a lot of things. I'm not saying its right, but don't put it on the level of ******. Let's take other negative words/phrases for example: Calling somebody as "punk-ass motherfukker" stings a lot more than calling them a "dummy". They're both derogatory, they're both negative, but can we stop pretending that they convey the same message. ****** has been around for hundreds of years. Cac is stil in its infant stages and will never convey the same power. We can debate all day about the use of the term cac on here, and that's fine, but the argument falls apart to me when its compared to the n word.

Oh wow, and I really can't believe you said the bolded. You realize a white person can justify their racism and say nikka by using your exact words, and changing some definitions, right? Like this:

"I think most whites use nigga they same way they use homie, pal, friend, dude, ect. It's not a nice word, but it's not meant to dehumanize."
"I think most whites use nigger they same way they use dumbass, idiot, moron, etc. They're not nice words, but they're not meant to dehumanize."

^^^ Would you let your white friend get away with saying the N-word if he gave you that rationalization?

And I can't believe you responded with THIS. You're really trying to warp reality with this. White people are not as ignorant as they've led you to believe. What you're saying are things they say to justify using the n word. But for any of this to stick, an alternate reality would have to exist where white people were oppressed and subjucted to slavery, Jim Crow, and modern day hostility. White people throw the n-word around all the time when they're alone, but they check themselves around blacks because they know EXACTLY the connotations associated with the word. They have no legitimate justifcation in the world for using it, especially because they know how it affects the black psyche.


May 6, 2012
I find it humorous that nonblacks don't check themselves for using the n word, but then want to check blacks for using terms like cac. Its also ridiculous how the perceptions of racism that black people have are swept under the rug so that nonblacks can justify their own racist ideologies. In modern day society, with everything that's happened over the past several hundred years, shouldn't the black racial experience be the most honored, since its blacks that've endured the most bigotry?. Wouldn't the plight of black people and the negative experiences give a more firsthand account of the intricacies of racism? I'm not downplaying the racism other groups receive. But it seems that when blacks discuss racism, nonblacks [and c00ns] cover their ears and close their eyes because they don't want to hear it


May 12, 2012
Im black and i'll never call another black person a c00n :yeshrug:
that's automatic fades in real life no matter what you is....

and another thing about c00n, i've seen two definitions, which one is correct? :ld:

i see one used to talk shyt about a "stereotypical" (:stopitslime:) nikka

and then i see one used to talk shyt about nikkas that give too much love to other races

shyts confusing


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
I find it humorous that nonblacks don't check themselves for using the n word, but then want to check blacks for using terms like cac.

that's a pretty big generalization. I don't think you'll find many individuals that fit both those conditions

and white people using the n-word can mean a few different thing. you have obvious racists using it in a racist way. and then you have white kids that grew up listening to NWA and just wanna be down. and some of them ain't "wanna bes" since they actually grew up speaking like that. you can't act like these are all the same thing when obviously people are using the word with different intent. that's why I thought it was funny when Art Barr (and others) called V-Nasty "racist"

personally, growing up the only thing I knew about that word was you don't say it, but I come from a different era


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
I think the bottom line in all of this is that MOST would agree that all racial slurs (be they "equal" or not) should not be said.

When you start applying "it's ok when..." type conditions you open the door to interpretation and shyt can be interpreted any which way. I grew up with a shyt ton of black friends, played basketball on traveling teams most my teen years, the term "nikka" was part of my lexicon and i used it to refer to both black, brown and white people. NOW, as an adult i see the error in that line of thinking.

This whole, "we flipped the scrip" on the word is the epitome of YOU HAVING LOST THE FUKING WAR.

If someone called you dog shyt for years then you started calling yourself dogshyt, but as a term of endearment WHO WON THAT BATTLE? HOW IS THAT WINNING? IF anything that's the very definition of not only losing but fighting yourself.

That word, that N word, the one people say like it's no thing is a HORRIBLE word, just straight horrible and should not be used by anyone, it should die as a word IMHO.

Think about what comes out of your mouths the next time you say "My nikka".
What does that "really" mean, and if you want to use history as a pretext for why white people shouldn't say it then LEARN SOME FUKIN HISTORY as to why your ass shouldn't be saying it either.

Racism about more than dehumanization, it's about the perpetuation of hate, one many of you so willingly contribute to. Cac, nikka, wetback, they are all RACIST TERMS. (equal or not) they lend to the credence of a man made concept (race) that has been used for hundreds of years to commit some of the most atrocious acts in human history, THERE IS NO GOOD ARGUMENT for the continuation and perpetuation of racism, even in a playful manner.

In all serious pick another fukkin word, cac, nikka, while they contribute to a different degree they both do contribute to continual racism and bottom line, i mean real bottom line is that if your not part of the solution then you're part of the problem, especially when it comes to race.

You do a grave injustice to the people who died defending OUR rights, for the victims who were persecuted and for the people who continue to fight racism in all its various forms each and every time you use words like cac OR nikka, or wetback, or zipper head or kike, or redskin.

There is power in words alone, those power are augmented with intent but don't kid yourself if you believe a word is just a word.


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
I can't believe people get so butthurt over words it's not that serious its all about what the intent of th person is. You can sense when it's just jokes and when something is malicious but at the end of the day I give everyone the benefit of the doubt


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
I don't know what you're talking abou here. I've never said that it's ok for 1 group to insult another and not vice versa. Im an equal opportunity offender. Im simply pointing out the hypocrisy in all you crybabies whining about seeing racial slurs being thrown around here. Im telling you to check your "brown" people who throw ***** around before you come over here trying to check us. I'm telling white people to check their own before trying to check us. [/quote]
That’s part of the problem though. You’re an offender. We all are, the problem is I’m saying it’s wrong, you’re defending it. Literally you’re defending racism and yet somehow against it. Can have it both ways. I do check “my people” and if I were to just stop there thinking I’d done my job well what kind of person would I be to ignore injustice when I see it because it’s not being perpetrated by a brown person. What’s ironic is the segregation you’re trying to advocate also racist lol. Again you’re making a decision based on race and race alone, taking into consideration no outside factors. By and large my friends are mostly black, so when they say some shyt guess who’s going to point it out… In your world I should just STFU because I ain’t black…?

Again, this is a strawman position because it's not 1 that I've taken. White people have always called us ******s, the only thing that has changed is that they can't do it in public without receiving fake backlash. I couldn't care less about white people calling us ******s. My problem is with the white supremacy being insitutionalized. The only reason that people don't tolerate whites using ****** in public is because that term epitomizes white supremacy, it reminds people what time it really is. The double standard regarding ****** only exists because white people perpetuate it
no the “problem” is that you disassociate using racist terms and racism when they are part of the same beast. The double standard exist because it exist. It’s not make believe, it is an issue and an ever growing issue. In order to change the institutionalize racism you so adamantly hate you need to start caring when white folks call him nigca and you need to start caring when black people call you nicca and you need to start caring when anyone uses a racial term.
Stop trying to speak for me. Like I said, true racism is insitutionalized discrimination. I don't care what dictionary definition you post, insitutionalized discrimination is the only form of racism that counts or matters. Individual people have all kinds of prejudices, but it's only a problem when those prejudices become insitutionalized. Name calling doesn't bother me at all. Somebody calling me a ****** doesn't hurt my feelings whatsoever. You people need tougher skin, youd have a hard time making it if you were black.

Again, NO institutionalized discrimination is a “subset” of racism. It’s a TYPE of racism. You might not like truth and facts but as racism is rooted in ignorance you really should start caring what it is you’re REALLY discussing. Don’t be ignorant. Literally you just said you don’t care what something is defined as…how then are you going to try and speak on it when you don’t even care enough about it to LEARN about it?

Someone calling you a nicca isn’t about your hurt feelings or tough skin, if that were the case I suppose we should have kept slavery around and just told the slaves to “toughen up” or to stop getting all upset about it.

Institutionalize racism is a symptom of racism, what your advocating by ignoring, arguably promoting, individual racism to focus on the symptom will not and has not worked. At the end of the day if you successfully manage that symptom, stamp out Ins. Racism, you’re still going to have racism and it will peak it’s ugly fukin head out in ways you can’t fight (hiring managers, union leaders, mall security, cops, etc). The true WAR against racism is at an individual level, Ins. Racism is a battle in that war (an important battle) but will not win the War.



All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
I can't believe people get so butthurt over words it's not that serious its all about what the intent of th person is. You can sense when it's just jokes and when something is malicious but at the end of the day I give everyone the benefit of the doubt

I rest my fuggin case.
IF you find yourself and sly defending the same point, especially when it comes to race, it's time to rethink your view.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
no the “problem” is that you disassociate using racist terms and racism when they are part of the same beast. The double standard exist because it exist. It’s not make believe, it is an issue and an ever growing issue. In order to change the institutionalize racism you so adamantly hate you need to start caring when white folks call him nigca and you need to start caring when black people call you nicca and you need to start caring when anyone uses a racial term.

We can sit here and argue about which slur is worse. No one is doubting the word "N1gger" as not having a significant historical background compared to other racial slurs, but two wrongs don't make a right. (3 lefts do :guilty: )

Too many cats in here, think like this security guard:

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Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
A lot of people here seem to be misunderstanding the intent behind the usage of the term CAC here. We can agree that racism is a belief that you are superior to another group on the basis of your race. Is there any evidence that suggests that black people feel superior to white folk? have we created a system of black supremacy in America in which we benefit while the white man loses and then point to that system as proof that we are inherently superior? have we warped history, and the media in order to make ourselves seem superior? no.

White people know this. White people won't be offended at you calling them a CAC because there is no weight attached to that word. Its simply a word used in response to racial epithets that whites or other races will use. Look at the list of racial slurs. The VAST MAJORITY of them are directed at blacks. There is no weight behind the word CAC. If you ask whites what they think makes them great as a whole their responses will be basically based on what they aren't or what they don't go through.

If you asked people here if they feel superior to white people and why, they will most likely cite moral superiority. Because blacks didn't dehumanize another race over centuries and twist religion and create pseudoscience to justify such racism. Blacks don't think that they're superior to whites and some feel inferior because they don't know their history and because they have to struggle to find literature that shows their people in a positive light or other media that shows them doing well.

Terms like CAC are used in response but are not created in order to dehumanize whites. Why do blacks use derivatives of the n word? because its still part of their history. Do you realize how dangerous it is for us to forget history? blacks use it amongst themselves to remind each other of their shared struggle. No matter how successful you get, no matter how smart you are, no matter how hard you work, to non blacks you're just "another dirty ****** :scusthov:" but to blacks you're "That nikka :myman:"


May 6, 2012
that's a pretty big generalization. I don't think you'll find many individuals that fit both those conditions

and white people using the n-word can mean a few different thing. you have obvious racists using it in a racist way. and then you have white kids that grew up listening to NWA and just wanna be down. and some of them ain't "wanna bes" since they actually grew up speaking like that. you can't act like these are all the same thing when obviously people are using the word with different intent. that's why I thought it was funny when Art Barr (and others) called V-Nasty "racist"

personally, growing up the only thing I knew about that word was you don't say it, but I come from a different era

Of course its a generalization because we don't have access to every single person in the world's thoughts. Damn near every topic ever discussed is a generalization; but the generalization is used because something is happening in a large enough quantity for it to be observed and spoken on. Like if I say, "we black folks need to get our shyt together", that's obviously a generalization because there are plenty of black folks that perfectly have their shyt together.

White people using the n word can mean different things?? :snoop: I kinda know what your saying, but white people know exactly the negative connotations of the word but want to use it while reciting hip hop lyrics, or say "well, I grew up around black people so we all used it". That's ridiculous. You're trying to use my argument of intent against me, and you're letting white people off the hook. I don't know where you grew up where white people just speak like that. White people that REALLY grew up around blacks don't dare to say it. Eminem and Paul Wall don't even use it in their lyrics.

I mean.... dudes are really in here trying to use robotic logic, and completely throw human common sense out the window. People don't want to hear this, but in the grand scheme of things, I do think the best way to eradicate all these racist terms is on the onus of white people. Although I do recognize that all ethnic groups have responsibilty in getting rid of the terms. But ******, kike, spic, wetback, zipperhead, sand-****** etc. mostly manifested from the psyche and mouths of white people trying to belittle other demographics of people and "keep them in their place". A term like "cac" came in response from this. Right or wrong, cac was a way to even the score so to speak so that white people could feel a little of the sting their words have on others. So all the white people getting sore over cac, recognize that it manifested as a defense mechanism from all those other words that whites have thrown around for years, thus it could be argued that whites themselves inadvertently created the word cac. I'm sure if there's a movement amongst white people to clean up those racist words, cac will soon follow because blacks won't feel the need to have a verbal weapon at their disposal. And for the ultra-left-brain logical posters, no I'm not speaking in facts and logistics, I'm speaking in perception and an observation of the intricacies of human nature and how our realities are shaped (Conspiracy Thread shyt :birdman:).


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Of course its a generalization because we don't have access to every single person in the world's thoughts. Damn near every topic ever discussed is a generalization; but the generalization is used because something is happening in a large enough quantity for it to be observed and spoken on. Like if I say, "we black folks need to get our shyt together", that's obviously a generalization because there are plenty of black folks that perfectly have their shyt together.

it's a generalization in that your holding some white people accountable for other white people because they're both white. that's why I said you're not gonna find many individuals that fit both those conditions

White people using the n word can mean different things?? :snoop: I kinda know what your saying, but white people know exactly the negative connotations of the word but want to use it while reciting hip hop lyrics, or say "well, I grew up around black people so we all used it". That's ridiculous. You're trying to use my argument of intent against me, and you're letting white people off the hook. I don't know where you grew up where white people just speak like that. White people that REALLY grew up around blacks don't dare to say it. Eminem and Paul Wall don't even use it in their lyrics.

it's not about where I grew up, but I've traveled and seen a few things. if you think there's not white kids that freely use that word around blacks, you are very mistaken. it's not about some excuse they're making to say the word, it's just how they talk