Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


Apr 30, 2012
For what it's worth, I'm not down with any of that racist stuff. I didn't even fully understand racism until I started playing SOCOM: US Navy Seals online. Prior to that, I had never really seen race even if I understood it. Never affected me all that much.

We've gotten into a bunch of arguments with posters about racist sentiment. That stuff gets reported all the time. It's just that we can't very well delete every single post and warn every single person. At a certain point, people will police themselves. As far as those terms you mentioned not being blocked out, it's probably because I don't see them frequently. I doubt bk has either.

Angel On The Rag

I'm bloody hungry!!
May 1, 2012
Tampax Warehouse
black people cry about racism so ****** is seen as offensive

white people don't give a fukk so that's why cracker/cac doesn't matter to them

end of


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
the history of the word is besides the point. it's all about your intent when using the word. but that can get tricky when your intent is different from how the majority uses it. it can lead to misunderstandings

I don't have a problem with any of it being used for humorous purposes. I enjoy a good joke. but when your just insulting someone, and not being particularly funny or clever about it, it ain't cool


All Star
May 28, 2012
Personally, when I see the term CAC on here, I always think back to that Chris Rock bit where he's talkin about the racist old man... 3:20 mark.

[ame=]Chris Rock - Bigger And Blacker - Racismo.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

I don't see how anyone could use terms like that, and say they aren't trying to be a dick.


Apr 30, 2012
what happened?

What usually happens when people get bold on microphones on the internet? What happened is what happens everyday on X-Box live. With all that said, obvious I understood racism and racial differences. I had just never heard anyone say it before.


May 2, 2012
What usually happens when people get bold on microphones on the internet? What happened is what happens everyday on X-Box live. With all that said, obvious I understood racism and racial differences. I had just never heard anyone say it before.

ok, i just couldnt be sure that was what (partly) gave you your understanding of racism. im a little surprised you havent heard racist insults before that but we all have different backgrounds. it took me years to understand racism as different processes etc, and a little longer to fully understand why, but understanding or being aware of hate through insults came pretty early.


Apr 30, 2012
ok, i just couldnt be sure that was what (partly) gave you your understanding of racism. im a little surprised you havent heard racist insults before that but we all have different backgrounds. it took me years to understand racism as different processes etc, and a little longer to fully understand why, but understanding or being aware of hate through insults came pretty early.

SOCOM dropped in 2002, I was 13 years old. No one had ever said shyt to me before besides this one lady who said some slick shyt when my pee wee team won a championship. "They're good, but I wonder what their grades are like." We were all black and hispanic :wtb:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Cracker is a word with a complicated history. It's proudly embraced by a large swath of white people, and not on some "let's reclaim it" tip, either. They just genuinely identify with it, and without any indirect or hairsplitting distinctions like Black folks sometimes make between "a" and "er" to try and dissociate it from anything.

Remember when Bill Clinton, just a few short years ago, casually told Larry King he was helping Obama get the "cracker vote" on national tv? It didn't create a big storm, outside of a few right wingers who tried to associate it with Obama's alleged hatred of whites. That's because a lot of rural, Southern whites use that word with reference to each other all the time.

The gave us lemons, we made lemonade....

They called us N1gger, we flipped it, and started calling each other "n1ggas"

You see where I'm going. The meaning of term differentiates.

When I use the phrase "My N1gga" nothing is implied but consolidated brotherhood or truths amongst fellow blacks...

When I use the term Cracker,me as a black person, there's nothing positive about the way this term is expressed..

Also the main way cracker / cac is used on the-coli / sohh makes it a descriptive adjective(oxymoron)


:smh: @ this dumb ass cracker / CAC

Is that not an insult, and wouldn't white people find that offensive?

Couldn't that be viewed as racist, from a white person's point of view, especially if it originated from a non-white person.

By this logic, I guess it's ok for non-black people to say n1gga too, right. It's doesn't have the same meaning of n1gger, sohh it must be ok.....

Funny how this thread says different.....

who is the white guy who keeps saying nikka?

Who is the whiteboy sayin nikka? :beli:

which whiteboy keep saying nikka

Which white boy, thats me saying nikka, nikka. Im black as tar hoe :birdman:

:russ: at everybody sayin ol boy is a cac

whose the main cac talking? He is annoying

But the poster in question is black....

No, we won't progress as a society regarding race because white people(as a whole) will never be honest about racism and whir supremacy. I don't care about you of any other cracker calling me a ******, I have a problem with white supremacy being instituionalized. See you don't want to talk about institutional racism because you don't want to change it. You try constantly to perpetuate the reverse-racism nonsense because it deflects from real racism. It's nothing but a smoke-screen to distract people from true racism.
:popcorn: Gotcha,

Yeah because racism is simply a ploy used by the rich to keep poor whites on even playing.

:yawn: Let me know if you want a brief history lesson.....

But like I always say, civilization won't truly progress until, the world is made up a of a more heterogeneous society where everyone is undeniably mixed with another race.


May 6, 2012
Well I want to get one thing out of the way first. If you use the term "reverse racism" you'll be lucky if someone takes you seriously. That's seriously a ridiculous term. Racism is racism. No one group has a copyright over it. Racism by definition a belief in the superiority of one group over another on the basis of race.

The fact of the matter is, if you're a white man in the west, you will almost never think "is it because of my race?" when something negative happens to you. Being white is a boon in the west. The only whites that can seriously claim to have been discriminated against based off their race are whites that live in Zimbabwe or South Africa. Countries where white people are a minority. However, it must also be noted that the reason for their discrimination is out of a fear that they will try to take the reins of power again in those countries and harm the people who live there like they did in the past. Even then, white people in South Africa are well off financially. There are no white ghettos there.

What you see in the black community when it comes to whites isn't racism. Its a distrust of white people based upon the history of relations they have with blacks. Its a dislike for the institution of white supremacy which is definitely racist because it assumes that 'normal' is white. Look at fashion runways, TV, literature, all the means of cultural expression in the west have white people at the center. Now there's nothing wrong with that until you start showing people of color in negative positions and ignoring their place in history. I mean just look at the debate on whether Egypt was a ever a white, black, or arab society. The average white person has no idea what an Ife bronze is, who sundiata keita was, or how many empires existed in Africa. People here distrust whites because they already feel superior to blacks and everyone else whether they want to admit it or not.

The media covertly tells them they're superior, their teachers subtly tell them they're superior and they internalize this. For a lot of white people they are being benevolent by being kind to a person of color and not just acting like a fukking normal human being. You shouldn't get a huge credit and a pat on the back for adopting a black baby, that's what you're supposed to do. You're not automatically not a racist because you know ONE black person. Whites turn other races of people into novelties and experiences. They distill entire cultures until they're easily consumable without any real context.

I rarely see racial slurs being thrown around here in regards to other people of colour. If they are, those people throwing those epithets around are usually people who have been discriminated against by those other people of colour. You have to keep in mind here that other races of people will and do attempt to talk down to black people in order so they may either gain a slice of white privilege for themselves or because they have internalized the negative images of us that have been sent all around the world. They've bought into the con and now believe that blacks are inherently fukked up people as well and they won't hesitate to distance themselves from us, which again--benefits the system of white supremacy because non whites are not working together to dismantle it.

I am not here to defend racism against anyone, but I'm just pointing out the facts here. There are not a whole lot of people who would say they feel superior to whites as a whole because we haven't been fed a myth of black supremacy. Whites on the other hand have been fed this myth that they are inherently superior and most of them actually believe it. There are even people here actively working to undo what little gains that people of colour have made in the fight against white supremacy. All it takes is a person to claim "brown and black people are stealing your jobs, they're wasting your tax dollars on welfare which goes to said brown and black people (implying they're lazy) etc." and rather than peep game and say "That's bullshyt" a lot of whites buy into that. Just look at the rise of far right wing parties in Europe. Or just look at a football(soccer) match. They have to remind people NOT TO BE RACIST. I mean are you fukking kidding me? its 2012 and people still need to be told not to shout monkey noises when a black player is on the field? really? I'm all for treating everyone fairly, but you honestly can't fault people for having a distrust of people who have shown over and over again that they think they're better than you and will try to put you down if they get the chance. People don't honestly think they're superior to others, and if they do its a reaction to constantly being told they're inferior.

Powerful post especially the bolded. Racism is driven by the intent of one group to claim superiority over another group. I'm trying to tell dude this another thread. Whether its through thoughts, words, or actions, the "my people are better than your people mentality" is the catalyst and glue for racism.

As far as the n-word goes, it has hundreds of years of bloodshed and dehumanizing behind it. Nonblacks KNOW EXACTLY the harsh effect it has on blacks, but yet they still wish to use it: "I said it with the -a not -er".... "if black people can use it, why can't we?" All these words in the dictionary, and its the word they desire to use the most. There is no word that has more malice than "******". For it to be categorized with spic, cac, honkey, kike, zipperhead or whatever other dumb terms we humans throw around at each other is ridiculous and ignorant. It's downright disrespectful to be honest. "******" was the last word many blacks heard before they were beaten by a mob, hung from a tree, raped, burned alive, castrated, whipped to death, or any other number of cruel experiences that blacks have endured.

Nonblacks wanna complain about cac? Meh... I'm not saying they don't have a gripe, but don't put it on the level with nikka/er. The intent is not the same. I think most blacks use cac they same way they use dumbass, idiot, moron, bytch-made etc. They're not nice words, but they're not meant to dehumanize.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Powerful post especially the bolded. Racism is driven by the intent of one group to claim superiority over another group. I'm trying to tell dude this another thread. Whether its through thoughts, words, or actions, the "my people are better than your people mentality" is the catalyst and glue for racism.

I agree. And a lot of the time when I see someone use cac on here, it's often accompanied with the same sentiment of ":heh: ain't white folks cray". I'm not advocating for the censorship, but just pointing out that it seems hypocritical to me that some slurs are censored, and others aren't ... and are used excessively, even.

As far as the n-word goes, it has hundreds of years of bloodshed and dehumanizing behind it. Nonblacks KNOW EXACTLY the harsh effect it has on blacks, but yet they still wish to use it: "I said it with the -a not -er".... "if black people can use it, why can't we?" All these words in the dictionary, and its the word they desire to use the most. There is no word that has more malice than "******". For it to be categorized with spic, cac, honkey, kike, zipperhead or whatever other dumb terms we humans throw around at each other is ridiculous and ignorant. It's downright disrespectful to be honest. "******" was the last word many blacks heard before they were beaten by a mob, hung from a tree, raped, burned alive, castrated, whipped to death, or any other number of cruel experiences that blacks have endured.

Yeahhhh, but if it's such a horrible word, then why do we use it like it's nothing? You can't have it both ways. You can't say it's the worst slur someone could say, but then say it yourself with a new meaning, and not expect other races not to also use it as "endearment".

Plus, you're assuming that everyone else has the same knowledge that we have of the historical mistreatment of blacks in America. How do you know some Hispanic or European KNOWS EXACTLY the effect it has on a black person?

Nonblacks wanna complain about cac?

I'm complaining about it's overuse, and I'm black. It's easy breh. If I wouldn't want to be referred to as any racial slur, why would I use a term like that against another race? It's called sympathy.

Meh... I'm not saying they don't have a gripe, but don't put it on the level with nikka/er. The intent is not the same. I think most blacks use cac they same way they use dumbass, idiot, moron, bytch-made etc. They're not nice words, but they're not meant to dehumanize.

Oh wow, and I really can't believe you said the bolded. You realize a white person can justify their racism and say nikka by using your exact words, and changing some definitions, right? Like this:

"I think most whites use nigga they same way they use homie, pal, friend, dude, ect. It's not a nice word, but it's not meant to dehumanize."
"I think most whites use nigger they same way they use dumbass, idiot, moron, etc. They're not nice words, but they're not meant to dehumanize."

^^^ Would you let your white friend get away with saying the N-word if he gave you that rationalization?