Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
first off no one is whining. More commenting on the fact that there seams to be a sizeable group of people that are OK with being racist towards other groups, particularly white people. I'm just curious how one reconciles wanting equality and tolerance while practicing something quite differently.


This has always been my ideology. You can't really scream about inequality of racial slurs being used on the internet when you have numerous posters roaming on here, calling all white people CaC's and Crackers despite them being cool with it or not. That's like being that one laid back black dude, who lets non-black people call him a n1gga / say n1gga. :scusthov:

Let me put it like this, the usage of Crackers and CaC's on here is "almost" equivalent to the N word on youtube....


All Star
May 28, 2012
:smh: @ people defending racism against whites / saying racism against whites doesn't exist.

Why can't we agree that all racial slurs are wrong, regardless of their historical context? Who cares if you feel you are more offended by one word compared to another? Using any slur to denigrate another person should never be done, period.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Well I want to get one thing out of the way first. If you use the term "reverse racism" you'll be lucky if someone takes you seriously. That's seriously a ridiculous term. Racism is racism. No one group has a copyright over it. Racism by definition a belief in the superiority of one group over another on the basis of race.

The fact of the matter is, if you're a white man in the west, you will almost never think "is it because of my race?" when something negative happens to you. Being white is a boon in the west. The only whites that can seriously claim to have been discriminated against based off their race are whites that live in Zimbabwe or South Africa. Countries where white people are a minority. However, it must also be noted that the reason for their discrimination is out of a fear that they will try to take the reins of power again in those countries and harm the people who live there like they did in the past. Even then, white people in South Africa are well off financially. There are no white ghettos there.

What you see in the black community when it comes to whites isn't racism. Its a distrust of white people based upon the history of relations they have with blacks. Its a dislike for the institution of white supremacy which is definitely racist because it assumes that 'normal' is white. Look at fashion runways, TV, literature, all the means of cultural expression in the west have white people at the center. Now there's nothing wrong with that until you start showing people of color in negative positions and ignoring their place in history. I mean just look at the debate on whether Egypt was a ever a white, black, or arab society. The average white person has no idea what an Ife bronze is, who sundiata keita was, or how many empires existed in Africa. People here distrust whites because they already feel superior to blacks and everyone else whether they want to admit it or not.

The media covertly tells them they're superior, their teachers subtly tell them they're superior and they internalize this. For a lot of white people they are being benevolent by being kind to a person of color and not just acting like a fukking normal human being. You shouldn't get a huge credit and a pat on the back for adopting a black baby, that's what you're supposed to do. You're not automatically not a racist because you know ONE black person. Whites turn other races of people into novelties and experiences. They distill entire cultures until they're easily consumable without any real context.

I rarely see racial slurs being thrown around here in regards to other people of colour. If they are, those people throwing those epithets around are usually people who have been discriminated against by those other people of colour. You have to keep in mind here that other races of people will and do attempt to talk down to black people in order so they may either gain a slice of white privilege for themselves or because they have internalized the negative images of us that have been sent all around the world. They've bought into the con and now believe that blacks are inherently fukked up people as well and they won't hesitate to distance themselves from us, which again--benefits the system of white supremacy because non whites are not working together to dismantle it.

I am not here to defend racism against anyone, but I'm just pointing out the facts here. There are not a whole lot of people who would say they feel superior to whites as a whole because we haven't been fed a myth of black supremacy. Whites on the other hand have been fed this myth that they are inherently superior and most of them actually believe it. There are even people here actively working to undo what little gains that people of colour have made in the fight against white supremacy. All it takes is a person to claim "brown and black people are stealing your jobs, they're wasting your tax dollars on welfare which goes to said brown and black people (implying they're lazy) etc." and rather than peep game and say "That's bullshyt" a lot of whites buy into that. Just look at the rise of far right wing parties in Europe. Or just look at a football(soccer) match. They have to remind people NOT TO BE RACIST. I mean are you fukking kidding me? its 2012 and people still need to be told not to shout monkey noises when a black player is on the field? really? I'm all for treating everyone fairly, but you honestly can't fault people for having a distrust of people who have shown over and over again that they think they're better than you and will try to put you down if they get the chance. People don't honestly think they're superior to others, and if they do its a reaction to constantly being told they're inferior.


May 1, 2012
IN all fairness i rarely see nikka used here either, and when I do it's used in the "my nikka" context not the "MY property nikka contexts."Well you need to open your eyes then, because if you truly believe that the term nikka is rarely used then you're blind my spic. Spic is cool as long as put "my" in front of it right?

first off no one is whining. More commenting on the fact that there seams to be a sizeable group of people that are OK with being racist towards other groups, particularly white people. I'm just curious how one reconciles wanting equality and tolerance while practicing something quite differently.
You are whining. Like I said, none of those terms are used more than nikka and c00n. Those terms are used by plenty of nonblack people here and a lot of times its in a negative way. You don't care about that though, and that's evident by that BS "it's barely used and when it is it's in the my-nikka way" excuse. See your problem is that you don't know what racism is. Racism is about more than just name calling. You trying to classify calling a white person a cracker or cac as a racist act is an insult. Racism is insitutionalized discrimination and whites are not subjected to that.

This is directed at anyone using racist comments, not just black people.
Again, you don't know what racism is. You're whining about racial insensitivity, not true racism.

No? Perhaps not institutionalized racism, but whites get shyt on too (no not in equal proportion) because of race. We've all seen the nerdy white boy getting picked on or beat up because he's white. THAT is racism.

white people, as an all encompassing MONOLITHIC group don't experience racism. A white person can experience racism and there are certainly those who do and have.

THERE IS NO EXCUSE for YOU (or me, or anyone) being racist.Being physically harmed just because of your race, is racism. That's completely different than being called a cac or cracker by some random person on the Internet, that's is not racism. The term cracker is not racist, there is no history of hate associated with the word. Cracker does not symbolize the oppression of white people, regardless of what context it is used in. Do you not understand how insulting it is to try and equate a white person being called a cracker with real racism?
Let me put it like this, the usage of Crackers and CaC's on here is "almost" equivalent to the N word on youtube....
This is what I mean. It's comments like these that make think that non black people will never get it. Your ignorance is insulting. There is no comparison between the use of cracker here and the way ****** is used on YouTube. You're another person who thinks that cracker is a racist term just like ******, and I really have to question your intelligence. You have to be an idiot to think that there's a comparison.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
This is what I mean. It's comments like these that make think that non black people will never get it. Your ignorance is insulting. There is no comparison between the use of cracker here and the way ****** is used on YouTube. You're another person who thinks that cracker is a racist term just like ******, and I really have to question your intelligence. You have to be an idiot to think that there's a comparison.

Word, sohh you causally use the term cracker in your place of work?

It is not a derogatory term?

Never said it was equivalent, but the context in which it's being used and implied on this site, makes the demeanor of the word, "almost" just as lethal.

Funny how I know that remark would rub some people the wrong way. Thus the need for bolded and quotations.

bu bu bu but......


May 1, 2012
Word, sohh you causally use the term cracker in your place of work?

It is not a derogatory term?

Never said it was equivalent, but the context in which it's being used and implied on this site, makes the demeanor of the word, "almost" just as lethal.

Funny how I know that remark would rub some people the wrong way. Thus the need for bolded and quotations.

bu bu bu but......
I usually don't use slang words when conducting business.

Cracker can be a derogatory term depending on the context its being used in. Derogatory and racist aren't the same thing though.

Yes, I saw you use the word almost in attempt to disguise that BS comment, it's still BS though. Cracker and ****** don't almost equate, and I was pretty clear as to why they don't. There is no comparison whatsoever and you trying to make one is an insult.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Does cracker or Honkey really get to white people? I thought they laughed it off like C.K Louis

Louis CK - Being White - YouTube

Here let me put in a better perspective:

Do black people get upset, when another black person says n1gga

Do hispanic people get upset, when another hispanic person calls them pisa / wetback etc (jokingly)

Do white people get upset, when they call another white person, white trash......

Now flip the situation, from dealing with a homogeneous group to a heterogeneous group.

There's bound to be some double standards, in the lingo with a few exceptions to the rule...

The point is, you can't progress as a society until you get rid of insulting attributes of linguistics......

You might as well discuss who had it worse during slavery, men or women.

The situation is more complex than a simple, yes or no / right or wrong answer....


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
Well you need to open your eyes then, because if you truly believe that the term ***** is rarely used then you're blind my ****. **** is cool as long as put "my" in front of it right?
I said used here as you said “used here”, in the general population it’s used way to much and my opinion is that it isn’t cool in any way shape or form but I can see how some choose to use it any way or as a term
You are whining. Like I said, none of those terms are used more than ***** and ****.
So is your argument QUANTITY of use? I guess I should be ok with being called a wetback because it’s not used nearly as much as nikka?
Those terms are used by plenty of nonblack people here and a lot of times its in a negative way. You don't care about that though, and that's evident by that BS "it's barely used and when it is it's in the my-***** way" excuse.
Again this is in reference to its use here in HL not in general, if I don’t see it here then maybe I’m just in the wrong threads.
See your problem is that you don't know what racism is. Racism is about more than just name calling
SO words don’t hold weight? Keep this in mind for later…

You trying to classify calling a white person a cracker or cac as a racist act is an insult. Racism is insitutionalized discrimination and whites are not subjected to that.[/quote]
Wrong. INSTITUTIONALIZE racism is institutionalized racism, racism alone
Noun: 1. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
2. Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

Or Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary, I know what you’re getting at but you’re mixing up your definitions. IF you want to argue institutionalized racism them by all means go for it, I’ll be on your side. The term racism though and it’s meaning are what we’re discussing.

The fallacy that permeates this board is that because blacks had LEGAL and institutionalize racism used against them that that then is the ONLY type of racism.

WORDS can be racist, acts can be racist, thoughts can be racist, laws can be racist.

Again, you don't know what racism is. You're whining about racial insensitivity, not true racism.
I’m working with dictionary definitions, you’re working with your own interpretation of racism before we go forward understand that I’m NOT talking about INSTITUTIONALIZE racism, that is a horse of a different color.

Being physically harmed just because of your race, is racism. That's completely different than being called a cac or cracker by some random person on the Internet, that's is not racism.
Watch the power of words at work.
So if you’re walking down the street and a group of skin heads starts calling you a ******, they never touch you, but they berate you with N bombs, is their use of the N word racist?

See why racism is more than just violence.

IF a man doesn’t hire a man because of his skin, never actually touching him or harming him, is that racism?
If you don’t get a taxi because you’re black is that racism?
If a cab doesn’t stop to pick you up because you’re white…is that racism?
YES on all counts, don’t you agree?

The term cracker is not racist, there is no history of hate associated with the word.
Not yet but it’s slowly turning into that. You don’t typicaly call someone a cracker or CAC in a loving way, it’s a term full with malice, sometimes veiled in “comedy” but then so were black faces at one point in time.

Cracker does not symbolize the oppression of white people, regardless of what context it is used in.
No it symbolizes ignorance in most cases and when used as a derogatory term it symbolizes racism on behalf of the person using it.

Do you not understand how insulting it is to try and equate a white person being called a cracker with real racism?
Not equating them, just labeling them both as racist comments. You’re writing off the idea that whites cannot be the victims of racism is what’s insulting, and it is insulting because it turns a blind eye to the very thing so many people sacrificed to fight for, equality.

Before you respond please understand that you’re arguing from an “institutionalized” stand point, which again you wont hear much peep out of me against you on that. This thread is from a pure RACISM stand point.

The Real

May 8, 2012
Cracker is a word with a complicated history. It's proudly embraced by a large swath of white people, and not on some "let's reclaim it" tip, either. They just genuinely identify with it, and without any indirect or hairsplitting distinctions like Black folks sometimes make between "a" and "er" to try and dissociate it from anything.

Remember when Bill Clinton, just a few short years ago, casually told Larry King he was helping Obama get the "cracker vote" on national tv? It didn't create a big storm, outside of a few right wingers who tried to associate it with Obama's alleged hatred of whites. That's because a lot of rural, Southern whites use that word with reference to each other all the time.


May 1, 2012
The point is, you can't progress as a society until you get rid of insulting attributes of linguistics......
No, we won't progress as a society regarding race because white people(as a whole) will never be honest about racism and whir supremacy. I don't care about you of any other cracker calling me a ******, I have a problem with white supremacy being instituionalized. See you don't want to talk about institutional racism because you don't want to change it. You try constantly to perpetuate the reverse-racism nonsense because it deflects from real racism. It's nothing but a smoke-screen to distract people from true racism.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
No, we won't progress as a society regarding race because white people(as a whole) will never be honest about racism and whir supremacy. I don't care about you of any other cracker calling me a ******, I have a problem with white supremacy being instituionalized. See you don't want to talk about institutional racism because you don't want to change it. You try constantly to perpetuate the reverse-racism nonsense because it deflects from real racism. It's nothing but a smoke-screen to distract people from true racism.

no what deflects from an honest discussion about "racism" is the fact that for many, blacks, whites, browns, there is a double standard (one which you're defending.)

The idea that it's ok for one group of people to insult another and it's ok because [insert reason here] is NEVER going to cultivate any real change.

I'm not even white but if you came at me and said, "don't call me ngga cause it's racist but i can call you cac because it's funny"; well how are we supposed to move forward from that.

The thing is that your argument perpetuates the very thing you're trying to fight...TRUE racism. (using SOMEONE's Race as a means of categorization and judgement without consideration of anything other than skin pigment.)


May 1, 2012
no what deflects from an honest discussion about "racism" is the fact that for many, blacks, whites, browns, there is a double standard (one which you're defending.)I'm not defending any double standard. I'm simply telling you that the term cracker is not racist. There is no double standard regarding cracker and ****** because there is no equivocation.

The idea that it's ok for one group of people to insult another and it's ok because [insert reason here] is NEVER going to cultivate any real change. I don't know what you're talking abou here. I've never said that it's ok for 1 group to insult another and not vice versa. Im an equal opportunity offender. Im simply pointing out the hypocrisy in all you crybabies whining about seeing racial slurs being thrown around here. Im telling you to check your "brown" people who throw nikka around before you come over here trying to check us. I'm telling white people to check their own before trying to check us.

I'm not even white but if you came at me and said, "don't call me ngga cause it's racist but i can call you cac because it's funny"; well how are we supposed to move forward from that. Again, this is a strawman position because it's not 1 that I've taken. White people have always called us ******s, the only thing that has changed is that they can't do it in public without receiving fake backlash. I couldn't care less about white people calling us ******s. My problem is with the white supremacy being insitutionalized. The only reason that people don't tolerate whites using ****** in public is because that term epitomizes white supremacy, it reminds people what time it really is. The double standard regarding ****** only exists because white people perpetuate it

The thing is that your argument perpetuates the very thing you're trying to fight...TRUE racism. (using SOMEONE's Race as a means of categorization and judgement without consideration of anything other than skin pigment.)Stop trying to speak for me. Like I said, true racism is insitutionalized discrimination. I don't care what dictionary definition you post, insitutionalized discrimination is the only form of racism that counts or matters. Individual people have all kinds of prejudices, but it's only a problem when those prejudices become insitutionalized. Name calling doesn't bother me at all. Somebody calling me a ****** doesn't hurt my feelings whatsoever. You people need tougher skin, youd have a hard time making it if you were black.