Larry Lobster
What do you think about that thug shooting good white people?i wuz juss warmin up. donald trump has inthooziassic about amurican again.

What do you think about that thug shooting good white people?i wuz juss warmin up. donald trump has inthooziassic about amurican again.
i dont know anythin about pijons but i use to breed chikens and hogs on da plantashun in alabamma. if more blas did dat insted uh sellin crack amurica might still be a free c*ntry.Why you look like you breed pigeons?
it is frytenin and disgussin. whie amuricans r an indanejer speshes. da evil raciss popperganger uh al sharpen jessy jatson lewis faracon and barah obomma has insighted bla thugs to targit whie amuricans. hopefully when donald trump bekome prezident he have a justiss deparment dat isn't run by a bla libberashun theologiss like erik wholeder or laredda lynsh and we can takle da epidemick uh bla terrism. dere shood be cuhgreshonal invessigashuns into da nockout game.What do you think about that thug shooting good white people?![]()
i dont know about da negro. like i said he seem like won uh da good wons but i dont truss no negro dat where glasses and use dem big words. missah hannidy like him but im keepin my eye on him. i will jump in frunt uh a bullet fuh missah hannidy.This account
What are your thoughts on Ben Carson, the educated black brain surgeon, do you think he can be president or are you backing Trump?
i dont know about da negro. like i said he seem like won uh da good wons but i dont truss no negro dat where glasses and use dem big words. missah hannidy like him but im keepin my eye on him. i will jump in frunt uh a bullet fuh missah hannidy.
This alias is TOO good![]()
i am not a sapporter uh misajenashun. blas shood not be tryna defile da sanktity uh da whie women. loving vs. vijinia wuz da thurd wurss court dasision in amurican history nets to brown vs. da bored uh ejaculation and o j simpson bein found not gilty.What do you think about interracial relationships?...
And did the media blow the knock out game out of proportion?...
becuz dis c*ntry has fallen away frum god. da evils uh librulism and malltikulcheralism and palitickal curretness have move da c*ntry away frum da natcheral order uh how things r sappose to be.
Why do you think some negros want to be president of the United States of America all of a sudden???
This is every posterbecuz dis c*ntry has fallen away frum god. da evils uh librulism and malltikulcheralism and palitickal curretness have move da c*ntry away frum da natcheral order uh how things r sappose to be.
blas were happy when dey wuz singin in da cotton feelds. den da libruls and da marksiss branewash dem into talkin about so-call cybil rites and tryna drink frum whie folts wader fountins and stuff.
i am not a sapporter uh misajenashun. blas shood not be tryna defile da sanktity uh da whie women. loving vs. vijinia wuz da thurd wurss court dasision in amurican history nets to brown vs. da bored uh ejaculation and o j simpson bein found not gilty.
da nockout game is da biggest threat to nashonal sakurity rite now. if we had a real prezident insted uh a raciss marksiss thug he wood be givin speeshes honerin da vicktims uh da nockout game insted uh playin baskitball wit cris rock and jay z.