Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
I dont have a afro i have a amerifro
slavery wuz an ack uh god dat allow blas to etspearians da grateness uh amurica.@Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson If slavery killed over hundreds of millions of Blacks why do you thank God for it happening?
In your opinion should Blacks be re-enslaved and why?
u r still angry and blamin whie folts fuh blas dat dyed during slavery but whut about bla on bla crime? whut about da violins in shickogo and da millyuns uh bla babies dat have been aborschun?
i said if i wuz prezident da furs thing i wood do is put blas back on da plantashun. dat wood teash dem hard work so dey stop sellin crack and livin off welfair. dem uppidy negroes usin all dem bug words two. blas were bedder off and hapier when dey wuz pickin cotton and shaircroppin. dere is no need fuh dem to be tryna get all ejukated and gettin it serts and all dat mess.
i am prowd uh my cotton pickin.