Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
I dont have a afro i have a amerifro
u thugs seam to have given up allredy.
some uh dem were bla but dey were slaves. da piramids and da spinks and all dat wuz oviously bilt by whies.What are your thoughts on the race of Ancient Egyptians?
Don't be snitchin nikka don't make me get them dikks
i have no kids. if i did dey wood be whie so i wood mind if u put your filfy tarred hands on you have any children ?
since you think slavery was so great would you mind if I take you and your offspring as my property right away ?
or only if I was a white man
any whie amurican who poss hear dat ugree wit u peeple. dey r race traders.Besides me, who do you consider the biggest loser on this board?
i dont know but u need to stay away frum whie wimmen u beest.Where the fat bytches at