Needed to look this up. Seems like Spinx is a regional thing with 90 locations exclusively in the Carolinas.
There are 800+ Canes locations across the US and a I think afew outside the country. The scale isn't really the same at all.
If I say pizza hut makes the best chain pizza and someone replies with some spot that only exists in Texas I mean they might be right but I'm obviously talking about national brands.
I know what you saying.
You right about size of franchise comparison.
Yet since I am from a major city. Plus toured and been ot.
I had a lot of chains to mom and pops.
Where I remember.
what was dope and what was not.
Raise kane. I forget if it has a k or a c in spelling. I found to be bootleg Harold's or thr chicken man on 71st street off the dan Ryan in chicago.
At best and it had no seasoning.
Sohh I compared it to.
what I know is better.
While being obscure.
As i feel being from chicago. Raising kane is obscure. Yet other probably think it is perceived as bigger.
Plus I am not leaving the south transplant carolina locale.
For bootleg chicken man slash harold with no seasoning and wack mild sauce.
When I know since moving here Sphinx was better.
I also think Roy Roger's is better than raise'n kanes too.
Yet both Sphinx and rr both do Not have large national permeation anymore. While being better In taste quality and price. As well as size of portions.
The better comparison would have been to Jollibee v raising kane.
Yet i have not had jollibee to compare it.
realistically jollibee is the comparable commercial large chain.
to comapre to raisin kane. I just have not had jollibee to compare. When i want to try this jollibee yard bird tho.
Art Barr