Rest in Peace DMX April 9th, 2021


May 30, 2012
What are you even talking about? Harping on telling your kids to say no doesn’t change the situation with DMX...the situation and life this thread is discussing
You peabrain don't realize X's drug abuse led to this? Dumb as a rock moron. X looks and moves like he's 70


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
You peabrain don't realize X's drug abuse led to this? Dumb as a rock moron. X looks and moves like he's 70
Your pea brain doesn’t realize that harping on what you’re instilling in your kids has jack shyt to do with DMX’s addiction that started 36 years ago? Again, please explain how that changes the outcome for this man?

nikka stfu

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
So I just did this because....I'm still feeling a bit bummed about one of my favorite rappers going out like this. Even in the midst of time, I still find someway to go back to his work and play it from beginning to end. Such a blessing of a cursed life that makes you truly think...who really loves you or just there to see you fall...

Misunderstood and left in the cold.

Bold with your walk but the truth be told.

That you never grew up

For you was always old

This cold cold world deserted you.

Your family tree chopped down to the melody.

Of check 1, 2

Ridicule of being born.

Scorn and sworn in by the streets.

Your people retreated while you feel defeated.

Repeated lines of slipping and falling.

Crawling instead of walking

Stalking your pray until you laid

In the dust under the spell of the ones

That you called friends

Begins a new page of unsigned hype.

Recite each line while you avoid the issues.

Despite the laws at hand

You demand to be loved.

Like a stray that crawls

While they run away

The same sounds of melodies

Echoes every tape, cd, and radio.

Stereo surround sounds from within

The dark portions of hell, the flesh

And the belly

You find you are your divine purpose.

Within the book of your own tale

Of great depression to being a grand champion

Your year is known again.

Undisputed beginning to an omega crushing end.

Redemption was not so much a factor.

For your spirit subtracts repeatedly

Sin upon sin

But you shall rule again.

Stand on your own feet.

Repeat the same steps of the melody.

You heard since 70.

I remember playing the same tune.

Broken childhood but addiction was not in my visual

You and I wanted to be loved with those living alone.

We all need friends but who is genuinely caring for you in the end.

As you lay down from the smoke in the air

The addiction flared up when it should not be there.

The jokes from those while your body is being exposed.

The negativity while you build up a foundation of sincerity.

The chest is pumping while the bass bumps.

Same melody but no one listens.

They are witnessing the end of a king.

That was treated like a fiend.

We never gave him soup living.

But give him roses on his last breath.

So, I asked you were you truly his friend.

His family till the very end

Or you just sticking around awaiting the melody to end.

So, you can begin to look at him with the love.

That should have been there when he needed it the most….


For Earl

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
DMX faith in God is likely the only thing keeping him alive over the years :jbhmm:

People sadly are going to look over this because "God lolz", when reality he would have been dead ages ago if it wasn't for his faith in the lord. Dude been through so friggin much from birth to his resting bed fighting for his life. Its easy for folks to say "believe in yourself" or "be a man", but how can this man know what it's like to be a fukking man when everybody in his past life did him dirty to the point he can't even trust his own flesh :mindblown:

His damn parents left him at a boys home, his own mans laced his blunt with crack, and society treated him like a embodiment of jokes because "crackhead lololol". Through it all, he fought through and still had God by his side.

Sadly it was too late, but all in all I look at this man as more of a man of God than these sorry ass good for nothing brethren that do shyt behind closed doors:camby:


May 30, 2012
People sadly are going to look over this because "God lolz", when reality he would have been dead ages ago if it wasn't for his faith in the lord. Dude been through so friggin much from birth to his resting bed fighting for his life. Its easy for folks to say "believe in yourself" or "be a man", but how can this man know what it's like to be a fukking man when everybody in his past life did him dirty to the point he can't even trust his own flesh :mindblown:

His damn parents left him at a boys home, his own mans laced his blunt with crack, and society treated him like a embodiment of jokes because "crackhead lololol". Through it all, he fought through and still had God by his side.

Sadly it was too late, but all in all I look at this man as more of a man of God than these sorry ass good for nothing brethren that do shyt behind closed doors:camby:
Being a drug addict ain't no joke, and it's brutal what life he had in his early years that molded him a certain way surely. BUT at some point in your life you HAVE TO act responsibly and get professional help and at least try to overcome and realize no drug in the world will help you overcome the demons of the past, the neglect, bad experiences and bad choices. If believing in an invisible figure in the sky helped him, good for him, still wasn't able to keep his hands off drugs unfortunately. If he had invested more time in his own healing he might have had a better chance of getting off that poison. Also enablers surely don't help either. No one is downplaying his struggles or making fun of crack addicts in general, it's all sad, but continuing destroying yourself isn't the answer. It's all about overcoming


May 30, 2012
Your pea brain doesn’t realize that harping on what you’re instilling in your kids has jack shyt to do with DMX’s addiction that started 36 years ago? Again, please explain how that changes the outcome for this man?

nikka stfu
Yeah it's a tad offtopic I agree, but EVERYONE can learn from him and that struggle. Instead some absolute morons come in here talking bout how blazed they are...idiotic

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
Being a drug addict ain't no joke, and it's brutal what life he had in his early years that molded him a certain way surely. BUT at some point in your life you HAVE TO act responsibly and get professional help and at least try to overcome and realize no drug in the world will help you overcome the demons of the past, the neglect, bad experiences and bad choices. If believing in an invisible figure in the sky helped him, good for him, still wasn't able to keep his hands off drugs unfortunately. If he had invested more time in his own healing he might have had a better chance of getting off that poison. Also enablers surely don't help either. No one is downplaying his struggles or making fun of crack addicts in general, it's all sad, but continuing destroying yourself isn't the answer. It's all about overcoming

Its not easy dude by any means. In life it is all about survival and in X case, it's too much for one man to handle. "This invisible figure in the sky" was probably the only thing that gave him a platform to tell his story, otherwise he would have been dead a long time ago. This concept of "seeking help" is a double edge sword because finding help is hard to come by especially in this time and age. People whom probably helped him could had issues of their own. Along with deeper shyt that plague his life, it is hard to overcome such a obstacle despite having those good days.

We as people are all flawed and troubled beings. I am not judging X by any means for his issues but understand that sometimes it does get real out here for simple help. Sometimes, we desire a time out from God because it does get rough out in this world.

While you chose to not believe in God, its all your proactive, but from a follower of God that is a embodiment of testimony with all the hell I been through, I know what God can do. For all we know, X could rise like Lazarus or just throw in the towel and let the world understand that he is sorry, but he's tired...


A silent witness to all this trolling going on.
Jun 7, 2014
Found this story about X on Reddit :mjcry::wow:

This’ll probably get lost, but I have a DMX story.

One cold stormy night as a pasty white teen I was driving my shytty Corolla down the highway and my tire blew. I was able to get into a gas station but my jack wasn’t in the trunk. I tried to borrow one off the station, but they said they didn’t have one.

Out of the dark and storm drives this massive black SUV, bass blasting. This guy hops out the back, sees my tire, and comes over to ask if I need help. I explained my story and he immediately went to look for his jack. Turns out it was a rental and didn’t have one, but he offered his phone so I could call home (the station wouldn’t let me use theirs).

The lady that got out of the drivers seat said I must feel lucky, DMX helping me out like this. My face must have looked stupid because she asked “You know who DMX is, right?” I had no clue.

They went into the store, bought their stuff. DMX offered to wait with me, but my mom was close by.

So off they drove into the night. I always meant to look up his music, but to this day I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything.

I will never forget the kindness this man showed to some random kid at 2am in a gas station lot. I know it shouldn’t matter, but his fame makes it mean that much more to me.

I hope you can find peace, friend. Whatever else you had going in your life, when I was at one of my lowest your kindness meant so much.”

He always had that down to earth vibe to him. Not surprised in the slightest.


Get well X.