Broke down and copped this for full price when I said I wasn't. It was alright. I don't like Ethan as a character. Last 30 minutes of this game is just thrown together
Lady Tyrant was a let down. I breezed through her castle so fast it seemed like she was in the game for all of an hour.
Propeller head dude in the factory HAD ME SHOOK though

. That character and the way he is used was about the only real "resident evil" experience I got out of this game. Heisenberg was a real good character and his powers could have been used in so many better ways than what he did. Shame he wasn't in the game longer.
Capcom has done with resident evil what EA did to dead space. The father the series goes the lest removed it gets from the original concept to the point that the only thing that makes this a resident evil game is that fact they put resident evil in the title.