Kairi Irving
Here Comes A New Challenger
You can buy stuff in the middle of game
save your game, go back to the menu and buy whatever and when you load your saves it's in the item box.
You can buy stuff in the middle of game
You like 2 or 3 more
Anyone tried the online mode? Seems fun.
Yeah 15 minutes after playing I got boredIt's boring.
Yeah 15 minutes after playing I got bored
RE5 was the game where they finally got the controls right, and from then on it just got better. The additions to the series that don't get enough love are the RE Revelations games, both 1 & 2 had a good story and controls.
Rented this from gamefly
Feel like an excellent dlc just got passed carlos hospital chapter
I think they could add like an hour or two of game play and it would be perfect
Jill's nightmare first person level when shes infected
Added more of the police station
Made another seem open hub map like downtown that you can explore and find stuff in