Anyone care to tell me how this is doing Gods work?
What ever happened to separation of church and state?
Obesity and "hunger" aren't necessarily opposed to one another, even if sometimes they are. Also, only about 1/3 of Americans are obese, not 70%.
69% of Americans over 20 are overweight. Many of those will be obese as they get older unless they get fit. Either way, they will be a burden on the health care system. Why should tax payers have to bear that burden?
I'm almost convince liberals are borderline sociopaths.
Who else votes for keeping poor people in a perpetual state of living in public housing and on foodstamps? Liberal policies reinforce the status quo.
How is it logical that automatically cutting food stamps is going to "force bums to get a job"? There is no way to prove that.
While we're talking about cutting funding, why don't we put everything on the table? All the money that we shell out to a few select defense companies is the biggest welfare plan going. We have no problem giving billions to Wall Street when they already have billions. Oh wait they have the lobby to convince us the world would end if we didn't.
How is it logical that automatically giving people free food and housing is going to motivate them to get out there and get a job? There really is no way to prove that is there?
You want to talk about putting everything on the table? Why not put an end to ALL welfare? There was a candidate in 2008 and 2012 that advocated for ending all government subsidies and removing ALL taxes and putting the money back in your pockets, because it's your money and YOU should do whatever you want with it...
But more than half of you voted for the guy that keep's George Dubya's policies in tact.
This is how I feel, too. Modern reasons for cutting social services usually emerge from an implicit or explicit conflation of poverty with criminality. In many streams of free market discourse, poor people are to be punished for their poverty, as if that will magically set into motion a causal chain that will lead them to prosperity...And what's more, it doesn't work.
The only crime here is that our government has spent over 15 trillion dollars in the 50 years since it declared the war on poverty. 15 trillion dollars which it stole from tax payers. And what does the government have to show for that?
Roughly 15% of Americans live in poverty today in 2013.
In 1965, roughly 15% of Americans lived in poverty.
15 trillion dollars, and NOTHING changed. If that isn't the real crime here then I don't know what is.
The truth is that most of these social programs that subsidize people's living are a failure. They don't get people out of poverty. They don't improve people's living conditions. Giving people free stuff for decades hasn't motivated people to work. If anything, it's probably had the opposite effect: complacency.
15 trillions dollars later, we're right back where we started from. 50 years of liberal policies and all we got was virtually 0% change in the poverty rate. The war on poverty is a monumental failure. It would be a crime to call it anything else but.
Nobody that is libertarian has ever been poor. Like ACTUAL poor, not "Well I guess I have to eat ramen while earning my useless poli-sci degree" poor.
Are you sure? Ron Paul was born during the great depression to immigrants. Just saiyan...
make posts about how people going hungry will be good for them brehs
So your solution is to spend another 15 trillion dollars and pray that the war on poverty plays out differently in the next 50 years? People are going hungry because they don't have meaningful work, not because the government isn't feeding them.
So ppl complain about there tax dollars paying for food stamps but never say a word about the free lifetime healthcare that these already wealthy congressman and women receive.
Why not end all subsidies for everyone and let people decide what to do with their money?
the real legalized theft is capitalism
Well, in America we don't have capitalism anymore, we have corporatism. Corporatism is legalized theft. Actually, it resembles extortion more than theft, but I guess they're the same thing?