This is definitely true here in Virginia. Here is the non-White break down on who voted Republican this last Governor's races:LOL at all of the pseudo-political analysts on the first few pages. "It's a trap guys, beware!!!" fukking idiots. The substance of the matter is HBCU's got something tangible out of this. If the Republicans are just trying to siphon off black voters for their ulterior motives, who cares? That will just make Democrats have to fight for us more.
And in case you've been living under a rock the last 2 years, Hispanic voters are becoming more right-wing. I don't give a damn if they defund all of DACA and deport all of them.![]()
Black: 16% of the voting population, 13% of our votes
Hispanic: 5% of the voting population, 32% of their votes
Asian: 3% of the voting population, 33% of their votes
Oh and Whites make up 73% of the voting population and gave 62% of their votes to Youngkin
So all of his cries and worries about what Black people are doing and the other 2 non-white groups are voting Republican per capita at almost 3 times the percentage rate as Black Virginians.
Also, we are all dwarfed by the decisions made by Whites here in the state, since White voters outnumber us all combined by 49% percentages of the entire electorate. So the Purple election nature of Virginia is a phenomena controlled directly by the White electorate.
So all of this talk about Divide and Conquer needs to be had with Virginian Hispanics and Asians. Black people have been supporting the Democratic party here in Virginia at a far greater clip than any of them so-called 'POC' allies.