Republican AGs sent intimidating letter to all Fortune-100 companies telling them not to hire too many Black employees

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
SAN FRANCISCO - Weeks after the Supreme Court restricted the consideration of race in college admissions, a group of Republican attorneys general warned the nation's biggest companies that diversity quotas in hiring are "immoral" and said they would "vigorously" seek legal action against employers with such practices.

The letter - sent Thursday to Fortune 100 companies including Apple, Microsoft and Amazon - said the Supreme Court's ruling against race-conscious admissions in higher education "should place every employer and contractor on notice." While last month's ruling applied only to colleges and universities, many in the tech sector worried that it would invite more legal challenges to the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts that have become common among Silicon Valley companies.

"If your company previously resorted to racial preferences or naked quotas to offset its bigotry, that discriminatory path is now definitively closed," according to the letter obtained by The Washington Post. The signatories were 13 Republican attorneys general, led by the chief legal officers in Kansas and Tennessee.

The attorneys general on Thursday urged the companies to immediately cease "any unlawful race-based quotas or preferences your company has adopted for its employment and contracting practices."

"If you choose not to do so, know that you will be held accountable - sooner rather than later - for your decision to continue treating people differently because of the color of their skin," the letter continued.

The ruling itself does not affect a company's ability to take race into account when considering candidates, but legal experts have warned that the decision could impact how courts analyze legal challenges regarding recruiting, hiring and promotion. The ruling could put companies in a more tenuous position when it comes to such cases, and Thursday's letter serves as a warning sign of how seriously some states may pursue action.

In a blog post after the ruling, Morgan Lewis, a law firm specializing in labor and employment litigation, said organizations should consider the "potential legal and reputational risk" of their hiring practices and proactively reevaluate their existing programs related to diversity and inclusion.

Notice they somehow acknowledged that the purpose of DEI is to offset bigotry, but they only have a problem with the DEI, not with the bigotry. :francis:

Attorney Generals who signed off on the letter:

Kansas - Kris Kobach
Alabama - Steve Marshall
Tennessee - Jonathan Skrmetti
Arkansas - Tim Griffin
Indiana - Todd Rokita
Nebraska - Mike Hilgers
Iowa - Brenna Bird
South Carolina - Alan Wilson
Kentucky - Daniel Cameron
West Virginia -Patrick Morrisey
Mississippi - Lynn Fitch
Missouri - Andrew Bailey
Montana - Austin Knudsen

Kansas AG Kris Kobach is the one who wrote the letter. In the past, he's been called "the most racist politician in America" because he has spent his entire career working towards anti-black voter suppression, radial anti-immigrant measures, and trying to normalize religious and racial profiling. I guess you can add "keeping non-white people out of the workforce" to the mix now.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Notice they somehow acknowledged that the purpose of DEI is to offset bigotry, but they only have a problem with the DEI, not with the bigotry. :francis:

Attorney Generals who signed off on the letter:

Kansas - Kris Kobach
Alabama - Steve Marshall
Tennessee - Jonathan Skrmetti
Arkansas - Tim Griffin
Indiana - Todd Rokita
Nebraska - Mike Hilgers
Iowa - Brenna Bird
South Carolina - Alan Wilson
Kentucky - Daniel Cameron
West Virginia -Patrick Morrisey
Mississippi - Lynn Fitch
Missouri - Andrew Bailey
Montana - Austin Knudsen

Kansas AG Kris Kobach is the one who wrote the letter. In the past, he's been called "the most racist politician in America" because he has spent his entire career working towards anti-black voter suppression, radial anti-immigrant measures, and trying to normalize religious and racial profiling. I guess you can add "keeping non-white people out of the workforce" to the mix now.
Southerners lost