Right. Great point about housing.
Yes they always compare themselves to black people in every article. I’m noticing a pattern.
The constant need to for the writer to use blacks as a comparison was overdone.
The American Dream remains alive for one particular group of folks.
( right off the back they are being exclusionary)
-They are climbing up the economic ladder just slightly slower than their white peers, but much faster than blacks, according to a
study by Stanford, Harvard and Census Bureau researchers. (
but yet they won’t dare compare themselves to Indian Americans and Asian Americans )
The research comes at a time when Hispanics are facing a backlash in America. President Donald Trump has repeatedly disparaged Latino immigrants -- particularly Mexicans -- calling them criminals and a drain on society. ( look at us thriving Trump compared to blacks )
"We are in a critical time period where Latinos are navigating their mobility in a social and political context that's extremely hostile," said Jody Agius Vallejo, associate director at the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration at the University of Southern California.
The study did not delve into why the Hispanic children in the study were experiencing greater mobility than their black peers. Sociologists, however, have looked at the trend, and their research generally backs up the study's findings. There are some reasons for why this is happening.
It's likely many of the parents in the study were legal immigrants who came to the United States after the gates reopened in 1965, said Van Tran, assistant professor of sociology at Columbia University. These folks generally had less education and worked in lower-paying jobs. However, their children -- particularly ones from Mexican, Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran families -- often have more years of schooling. This allows them to secure higher earning positions.

One sided bias that “we work harder than blacks” Anti Black narrative without honestly addressing the historical and social context of blacks in America.
Dishonest and foul.