@AuntAnniesPretzels c00ning hard in here
I’ve seen them sell flowers on the side of the road, sell oranges, work all sorts of crazy ass jobs.
#carnellgang been telling yall this for years
Comparing a ethnic group that encompasses mutiple races to an actual race
Of course Hispanics Gon rank higher. Alot of these mfs is white themselves (Mexicans for example) and get a easy road, like regular cacs do.
Not to also forget other factors
Dog they do exactly what we use to do .In that case, they should be poorer for it. More kids===less wealth saved up. Hispanics embraced the trades and owning businesses, while many AAs are allergice to plumbing, electrician work, etc. Blacks used to be majority of construction workers in the south before 1930s.
Not a single culture in the world where family is more important than Hispanic culture.
Mexicans are the hardest working people I’ve ever been around. They always have a hustle, oftentimes multiple hustles and their women appreciate men who work blue collar jobs, will rarely catch a Mexican women getting pregnant by someone who refuses to work.
They also have strong family values, practice group economics and they own most of the businesses in their communities.
Every black worker should be offended to the highest order whenever you hear the "Mexicans work harder than you" argument.
Remember when Mexican President Vicente Fox shytted on black people in favor of ILLEGAL hispanics?
@Y2Dre @Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @bdizzle @satam55 @Michael's Black Son @Sagat @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Matt504 @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @Temisan Adoki (verified)
I'm AA but got Haitian fam thru marriage. Family just as important to Haitians if not more. My haitian brother in law is in the hotel industry. My nikka use to network with rich cacs on vacation on my behalf without me even asking Got hired by these cacs who own multiple retirement centers with a nice signing bonus on some Jean sings your praises, we'll love to have you here
That's brotherhood right there
Lets see who wins friendHispanics also have and take advantage of business relationships of the US which provides outside capital and investments, importing/exporting, etc.
#carnellgang been calling that pointless for years too
C’mon breh this shyt just ain’t true lolPeople from asian cultures treat their families like shyt
Truth.Everyones barometer seems to be how they compare to black people.
Low key how they induct model minorities into white supremacist allies.
Ima just say this because I don’t want the thread to take a turn...
Black women are lapping black men in educational outcomes.
Black women are lagging black men in financial / economic outcomes.
Education is a means to an end, not the end itself. So is employment. Black people trip up on this.
Your right but that a dangerous mindset. When you know better you do better or move smarter.
Me and my circle keep each other in check and help put each other on. We ask all the hard questions when we see someone fukking up and not minding our business.
Why aren’t you asking why your friend is living paycheck to paycheck. You can help correct what in front of you
Soooo many black people have a individual mindset and love saying “it not my business “
Also lets stop comparing a group of people who literally have a country to a group who has no country.
You will always have political and power clout when your people actually have a country. Without a country you do not have a political leg to stand on....this is fact!
I think the question to ask is how do we get our piece of the pie and how do we do so knowing that we will get next to no meaningful support from the gov't? It is a cultural change, is it more focus on education and taking majors in fields that have high demand. Is it eschewing traditional American standards and huddking together. Is it staying out of debt? It may be a combo of all these things because whether you like it or not these hispanics and Asians are profiting off the fall of the white middleclass and we are not, statistics be damned.
I think it's because AA are more westernized than we care to believe.
The small nuclear family living together is western European. Father + Mom + Kids
Western europe is now less religious and having some family structure changes. Many one Parent + kid households.
They can survive this because their social safety net is so strong compared to the US.
Wyte Americans due to religion and culture still push the small nuclear family. - Aunt's cousins grandparents live elsewhere.- even tho with women's rights / feminism it's taking a dip. - fortunately for them, they're on average so much more wealthy, it not taking a huge toll (drugs and suicide are probably worse for them)
Hispanics on the other hand live deep. Like 3 generations per house. Maybe some more distant relatives too. Oldest person got life insurance for when they drop dead. They split everything.
That is literally the opposite of what AA have been "taught". Personal responsibility. No hand outs. Don't talk about money with elders. Move out when ur 18. Don't let whoever borrow money. Avoid child support. Pay ya own college .. etc
And they didn't have to go through slavery or Jim Crow.
Seventy five percent of the 40 million immigrants in this country came after 1970.
We took the kicks in the ass dolo, fought for more and everybody reaped the benefits.
Supposed black people need to stop with this bullshyt. Black Americans have to compete with the best and brightest of the world who come here.
Every one of ya'll immigrants aren't broke and busted. Ya'll was successful in your black countries and that's not something to forget.
Meanwhile we've never had a time without "structural racism" on our necks by white people who run shyt.
Ya'll take for granted being the same as the people who run the gov't.
Wells Fargo announcing $125 billion effort to help (Hispanic) homebuyers and triple Hispanic wealth