

RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013
You're a dumb nikka. Look up the word reparations, study its meaning, understand its application, and realize that it isn't a handout. It is a reparative response to past wrongs.

As for the question, YES, reparations are long overdue. But cacs will cac, and we won't get shyt until we take it from them by force. That's why these cacs are so pro-gun. It's because they know a slave rebellion (yes, we are still slaves) is on the horizon.
shyt is a fukkin handout bytch nikka

stop wishing for a free paycheck

fukk them nikkas. ima grind and get it on my own


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
If anyone was gonna take charge of this, it would've been the president.
But, he didn't.
And he isn't.

That ship sailed a few days after he took his first oath of office.

i disagree.........

i think this is something where when people amass in large enough numbers demanding justice the government will take the issue seriously.


Apr 16, 2013
i disagree.........

i think this is something where when people amass in large enough numbers demanding justice the government will take the issue seriously.
The time to do it is now. The minute the president's term is over, it's over.
And you know we need "someone" to take the lead on this.
And who else but the president could be the loudest and biggest advocate for this to happen?

If he hasn't done it by now, it's not gonna get done.


All Star
Jul 18, 2012
Your professor was a fool. The rounding up and eventual extermination of j3ws was "legal" according to Nazi law at the time so the legality of inhumane and inappropriate practices is of no concern in gauging wether reparations are a proper recourse for specific actions.

The only reason we will never see it is because we have a large number of decendants of slaves who are not willing to fight for this cause.............

you should be ashamed of everything you wrote here "Will we ever see it? No. How would it even be distributed? Who would even pay? We pay taxes, would we be paying ourselves? What dollar amount could you even place on a single lynching? There is no amount of money enough for the things done"

Man it's becoming pretty clear you have no clue what you're talking about. Yes, Jews received compensation. The Germans lost a war. They had to pay up. Likewise for the Japanese. They had pay up. Civil litigation is a much different animal.

Fine why don't you explain to me exactly how easy it would be to calculate and distribute trillions of dollars. Something this big would require something akin to the Freedmens Bureau.

it would be yoga fire if you could drop some links breh this stuff is interesting

it really is crazy how the law can work like that :why: only proves to me how the system is built to work against black people, proving that the people werent protected and were exploited? really? :snoop:

who would pay? maybe they could let up on that 1.5 billy they payin to egypt for support so they can kill eachother more effectively

they can place a dollar amount on people who sue hospitals for medical mistakes so it shouldnt be to hard to figure out, or better yet they have amount estimates for how long it takes to raise a child to an adult maybe they could start around that price (250k)

Alright I'm a little late but I wanted to get everything in order. I didn't find the exact articles I had in mind but found this:
This is one legal perspective published by Harvard Law Journal. I am not a lawyer and this is just my reading of it.

It cites legal precedents for reparations.
Short summary:
The Japanese received reparations for internment after 50 years of legal maneuvering. 20 grand per family.
The Jews received reparations from multiple parties due in large part to the American government leaning on those parties for compensation.
Some Native American tribes have been going for the return of stolen land for years. Offered settlements. Mixed bag.
Rosewood and Tulsa are specific incidents related to Black American reparations. Rosewood worked. Families eligible for $150,000 in compensation. Tulsa did not. Statute of limitations got in the way.
The difference is that the United States of America would have to willingly agree to be a defendant unless you went to the UN and they generally run that place too. Or you'd have to have the weight of the government on your side and they aren't.

The case:
You'd have to show that labor, and therefore wealth, was stolen under slavery (easy), segregation (not as easy), and today (not easy at all).
You'd want to show that inter generational wealth has been taken because of the physical and psychological effects of racism, slavery, segregation. You'd have to establish what constitutes an undue harm and then attach appropriate costs to them. The problem here is that this particular article states that BILLIONS of specific incidents have occurred that fall under this area. If there is a malpractice lawsuit or something like that, a handful or a couple dozen incidents are easy to rule on. Don't know how a court could decide on billions of incidents, the vast majority of which are lost to history.

The money:
This is where I had a problem with this particular write-up.
One way about determining how much to pay is with the goal to decrease the wealth gap. Seems fair enough. However, that isn't what reparations is based on. What is called just entitlement doesn't take into account if you live in the projects or are Oprah. So everybody that can show just entitlement, you have been harmed by action or inaction of the federal government, (which is where I made the point of it being hard to determine who gets what) then you will be awarded money. This just entitlement piece is important because it highlights that this is not about wealth gaps or the money specifically. Jewish and Japanese Americans are, on whole, better off than the average American citizen and they still received compensation. A counter argument to reparations is that blacks receive welfare and that is payment enough. Completely unrelated to the case of financial harm incurred.
Forget they years the original case would take, everybody and their mom with a black adopted cousin, who grew up in a black neighborhood, who has a black step parent or child, would be lining up at the door. Recent African immigrants would be entitled to money but how much would be a whole new court battle.

It all sounds nice but fat chance. The President isn't going to make it happen. Congress has been kicking it around for about 15 years and it's going nowhere.

Now something else kind of related is work by a Dr. Melinda Miller, another fool economics professor as Say It would claim. She followed the economic well being of freedmen who were given land after being released by the Cherokees. The descendants of these people have done better than those who were left without compensation. Big surprise but it does illustrate how important that inter generational wealth piece is. Thomas Sowell (mixed fillings about his conclusions but you can't argue with numbers) determined the same thing. Those that lived as freedmen before the Civil War had descendants that were better off that those who were not.

My take: again I don't argue with the idea of reparations. In every moral sense they are due. In every legal sense, well........ yes but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Stranger things have happened though. But I'd say no cuz American could frankly give a shyt about Black people.
If someone actually takes the thing to court you can count of years of bullshyt, increased racial tension, a decade of appeals, billions of dollars wasted in the trials and implementation of whatever new department they'd have to come up with to distribute funds, shytloads of fraud, and whatever bullshyt people do to each other when big money gets involved.


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water

Jews were hunted in droves to get killed. Japan got radiation rape. Native Americans (whites/Asian offspring) were hunted on purpose. Blacks were just sold by their own black African war lords for WORK. Yes, blacks were killed but they weren't purposely hunted in masses like the previous.

Wait, so native Americans never sold each other out. Tell me more :comeon:

Brown Ant

Jul 31, 2012
a colony near you
Wait, so native Americans never sold each other out. Tell me more :comeon:
They did. But whites like how they can control where Native Americans live by law while giving them money. I hear there are a lot of zombies walking around, that's why they still believe in religion :mjpls: