Remy ma cool with non blacks using n word, long as it isnt being used as racial slur

King Jove

King Of †he Gawds
May 1, 2012
nikka he a damn comedian. Average Mexican not using beaner in their everyday convo and Carlos mencia not even Mexican by the way
and comedians reflect the language that's being used on the streets.

and he's still hispanic.

beaner isn't exclusive to mexicans. el salvadorians get called beaners.

i just posted one example. you can search beaner in twitter right now and see a bunch of hispanics using it in a jokingly way. i've seen mexicans use beaner in front of me in real life in school. not as much as black people say nikka but they still use that word in a jokingly way on occasion.

either way, mexicans are not nikkas, they were never called nikkas by white people, so the word has no relevance to them other than emulating black people.

it's never a "term of endearment" when it comes from a non-black person.
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Dec 2, 2015
To be honest, I am not sure if I would trip if Fat Joe used the n-word in my presence. I guess it would depend on how it was used, but...

As for non-Black people using the n-word around Black people, I think it is only acceptable if the word is being used within private circles where everyone is cool with each other and have established a rapport with one another.

I am not from New York, so I can't speak on their structure and dynamics, but if the n-word is commonly used within diverse circles and is accepted by those people within said circles, then it is what it is...

Lastly, non-Blacks do use racial slurs against members of their own group. Even if they don't use one specific slur doesn't mean that they don't use other slurs or talk shyt about certain people within their ethnic group. I have witnessed it personally.

Tommy Sheppard

Apr 30, 2012
So, Fat Joe is a black man :mjlol:

Outchea claiming everybody. Even those who don’t acknowledge they’re black.

Fact is, he shouldn’t have been saying that word from the start. It ain’t just on NY, but someone from the industry should’ve checked him on that. All that being down for the struggle shyt is cool, but he’s not black, and should not be saying the word.
fat joe ain’t just no regular rap nikka, almost 30 years later and nobody has checked him yet for a reason.

try going into these Hispanic hoods in Chicago, la, and areas in the Bronx or les and try to check those ricians if you want to try your luck.


May 3, 2012
Well Remy is right. It’s just not an acceptable opinion to have.

If we really thought something was wrong with the word, we wouldn’t have commodified it the way we have. When non-blacks use the word in that context, theyre imitating us and what we sell them. That’s just a fact. Until we take accountablity for that, there’s no solution.


Oct 21, 2015
Am I black?

I’m Dominican btw
Why are you working out in the back of a daycare you mongloid faced cac?

Chin hair looking like you were in deep conversation during your shapeup.



Jun 16, 2012
This shyt got me heated so now I understand why my pop wants black people to stop saying/using the N word refers themselves cause the N word was invented by a racist cac.


All Star
Sep 16, 2015
No matter what its origins, by the early 1800s, it was firmly established as a derogative name. In the 21st century, it remains a principal term of White racism, regardless of who is using it. Social scientists agree that words like ******, kike, spic, and wetback come from three categories: disparaging nicknames (chink, dago, ******); explicit group devaluations ("Jew him down" or "******ing the land"); and irrelevant ethnic names used as a mild disparagement ("jewbird" for cuckoos having prominent beaks or "Irish confetti" for bricks thrown in a fight.)

Over time, racial slurs have victimized all racial and ethnic groups; but no American group has endured as many racial nicknames as Blacks: c00n, tom, savage, pickaninny, mammy, buck, samba, jigaboo, and buckwheat are some. Many of these slurs became fully traditional pseudo-scientific, literary, cinematic, and everyday distortions of African Americans. These caricatures, whether spoken, written, or reproduced in media and material objects, reflect the extent, the vast network, of anti-Black prejudice.

The word, ******, carries with it much of the hatred and disgust directed toward Black Africans and African Americans. Historically, ****** defined, limited, made fun of, and ridiculed all Blacks. It was a term of exclusion, a verbal reason for discrimination. Whether used as a noun, verb, or adjective, it strengthened the stereotype of the lazy, stupid, dirty, worthless nobody. No other American surname carries as much purposeful cruelty. The following shortlist is important information on the word's use and meaning:

Naggers: Acting in a lazy and irresponsible manner.
******lipping: wetting the end of a cigarette while smoking it.
******lover: Derogatory term aimed at Whites lacking in the necessary loathing of Blacks.
****** luck: Exceptionally, but undeserved good luck.
******-flicker: A small knife or razor with one side heavily taped to preserve the user's fingers.
****** heaven: Designated places, usually the balcony, where Blacks were forced to sit, for example, in an integrated movie theater or church.
****** knocker: Axe handle or weapon made from an axe handle.
****** rich: Deeply in debt but flamboyant.
****** shooter: A slingshot.
****** steak: A slice of liver or a cheap piece of meat.
****** stick: Police officer's baton.
****** tip: Leaving a small tip or no tip in a restaurant.
****** in the woodpile: A concealed motive or unknown factor affecting a situation in an adverse way.
****** work: Demeaning, menial tasks.

****** (as a word) is also used to describe a dark shade of color (******-brown, ******-Black), the status of Whites that mix together with Blacks (******-breaker, dealer, driver, killer, stealer, worshipper, and looking), and anything belonging to or linked to African Americans (******-baby, boy, girl, mouth, feet, preacher, job, love, culture, college, music, etc). ****** is the ultimate American insult; it is used to offend other ethnic groups. Jews are called White-******s; Arabs, sand-******s; Japanese, yellow-******s. Americans created a racial hierarchy with Whites at the top and Blacks at the bottom.

In biology, heredity refers to the transference of biological characteristics from a parent organism to offspring. The word, ******, speaks to the human heredity of Black people. Defining which characteristics of a person are due to heredity and which are due to environmental influences is often a controversial discussion (the nature versus nurture debate), especially regarding intelligence and race.

The hierarchy was set up by an ideology that justified the use of deceit, exploitation, and intimidation to keep Blacks "in their place." Every major societal establishment offered legitimacy to the racial hierarchy. Ministers preached that God was White and had condemned Blacks to be servants. Scientists measured Black skulls, brains, faces, and genitalia, seeking to prove that Whites were genetically superior to Blacks. White teachers, teaching only White students, taught that Blacks were less evolved cognitively, psychologically, and socially. The entertainment media, from vaudeville to television and film, portrayed Blacks as docile servants, happy-go-lucky idiots, and dangerous thugs, and they still do this today. The criminal justice system sanctioned a double standard of justice, including its unspoken approval of mob violence against Blacks and there is still a similar double standard today. Both American slavery and the Jim Crow laws which followed were saturated by anti-Black laws and images. The negative portrayals of Blacks were both reflected in and shaped by everyday material objects: toys, postcards, ashtrays, detergent boxes, fishing lures, and children’s books. These items, and countless others, portrayed Blacks with bulging, darting eyes, fire-red oversized lips, jet-Black skin, and either naked or poorly clothed.

In 1874, the McLoughlin Brothers of New York produced a puzzle game called "Chopped Up ******s." Beginning in 1878, the B. Leidersdory Company of Milwaukee, WI., produced ******Hair Smoking Tobacco. Decades later, the name was changed to BiggerHair Smoking Tobacco. A 1916 magazine ad, copyrighted by Morris & Bendien, showed a Black child drinking ink. The caption read, "****** Milk" (shown). In 1917, the American Tobacco Company had a ******Hair redemption promotion. ******Hair coupons were redeemable for "cash, tobacco, S&H Green stamps, or presents." The J. Millhoff Company of England produced a series of cards in the 1930s which were widely distributed in the United States. One of the cards shows ten small Black dogs with the caption: "Ten Little ****** Boys Went Out To Dine."

This is the first line from a popular children's story called, "The Ten Little ******s." it reads like this.
Ten Little ****** Boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self, and then there were nine.
Nine Little ****** Boys sat up very late; one overslept, and then there were eight. Eight Little ****** Boys traveling in Devon; one said he'd stay there, and then there were seven.
Seven Little ****** Boys chopping up sticks; one chopped himself in halves, and then there were six.
Six Little ****** Boys playing with a hive; a Bumblebee stung one, and then there were five.
Five Little ****** Boys going in for Law; one got in Chancery, and then there were four.
Four Little ****** Boys going out to Sea; A Red Herring swallowed one, and then there were three.
Three Little ****** Boys walking in the Zoo; the big Bear hugged one, and then there were two;
Two Little ****** Boys sitting in the Sun; one got frizzled up, and then there was one.
One Little ****** Boy living all alone; He got married, and then there were none.

In 1939, writer Agatha Christie published a book called Ten Little ******s. Later editions sometimes changed the name to Ten Little Indians, or And Then There Were None, but as late as 1978, copies of the book with the original title were being produced. It was not rare for sheet music produced in the first half of the 20th century to use the word ****** on the cover. The Howley, Haviland Company of New York produced sheet music for the songs "Hesitate Mr. ******, Hesitate," and "You'se Just A Little ******, Still You'se Mine, All Mine." This last example was promoted as a children's lullaby. Some small towns used ****** in their names, for example, ****** Run Fork, Virginia. ****** was a common name for darkly colored pets, especially dogs, cats, and horses. So-called "Jolly ****** Banks," first made in the 1800s, were widely distributed as late as the 1960s. Another common piece with many variations, produced on posters, postcards, and prints is a picture of a dozen Black children rushing for a swimming hole. The caption reads, "Last One In's A ******."

The civil rights movement, Supreme Court decisions, the Black empowerment movement, broad civil rights legislation, and a general embracing of democracy by many American citizens have worn down America’s racial pecking order from slavery moving into Jim Crow period and today’s institutional racism. Yet, the word ****** has not left and its relationship with anti-Black prejudice remains symbiotic, interrelated, and interconnected. Ironically, it is co-dependent because a racist society created ****** and continues to feed and sustain it. But, the word no longer needs racism, or brutal and obvious forms, to survive. The word ****** today has its own existence.

We took the power out of the word by using it amongst each other, brehs. It's a "term of endearment" now, brehs. We should take it a step further and start calling ourselves bytch nikkas.



Mar 24, 2014
To be honest, I am not sure if I would trip if Fat Joe used the n-word in my presence. I guess it would depend on how it was used, but...

As for non-Black people using the n-word around Black people, I think it is only acceptable if the word is being used within private circles where everyone is cool with each other and have established a rapport with one another.

I am not from New York, so I can't speak on their structure and dynamics, but if the n-word is commonly used within diverse circles and is accepted by those people within said circles, then it is what it is...

Lastly, non-Blacks do use racial slurs against members of their own group. Even if they don't use one specific slur doesn't mean that they don't use other slurs or talk shyt about certain people within their ethnic group. I have witnessed it personally.

Why do the non Black friends of Blacks feel the pressing need to use that word in the first place?

Im going to need someone to break it down for me so I truly understand becauseI do not.


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
fat joe ain’t just no regular rap nikka, almost 30 years later and nobody has checked him yet for a reason.

try going into these Hispanic hoods in Chicago, la, and areas in the Bronx or les and try to check those ricians if you want to try your luck.

Alot of these cats are scared to talk to women let alone check a group of Ricans :russ:
Aug 31, 2013
Let wale make a comment today about anything and see how quickly that thread will turn into a "he's not black...he's appropriating the culture....profiting off the black experience...etc" thread from AADOS gang. And that's a man who was born and raised here, who's proud to be Black and African and doesn't claim anything else. You don't have to guess if he's African or google search what he claims.

Yet you got this fat porky pig fukk who's never claimed to be black or african and the only pride he's ever expressed is in being puerto rican, and those same clowns are jumping up and down and all of sudden want to invoke africa and claim it on his behalf just so he can call you a nikka.

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