Bible believing Christian here.
I take the Bible literally- as in I take it as literature. All literature has a genre and style, and the Bible is no exception. In order to interpret the Bible, one must be able to consider the kind of literature being put forth. The genres of the Bible include historical narratives, poetry, proverbs, didactic letters, apocalyptic prophecy, etc.. Unless you know the genre and form, you're missing the big picture. When I read Shakespeare, if I don't understand Macbeth to be a Tragedy or wrongly assume that Midsummer's Night Dream is a History instead of a Comedy, I'm missing the author's intent.
I think this is the biggest problem for skeptics and believers alike. Many skeptics have the false assumption that the Bible is a book of dos and don'ts conjured up in the minds of a few men. Most don't realize that it is 66 books written over the course of 1,500 years by a plethora of authors. Those authors used different styles, figures of speech, and genres. Without this proper understanding, skeptics mock the Bible as espousing a talking snake, and believers think heaven has literal streets of gold.
Also, let's note that most people don't have this proper understanding. Just because something isn't literal doesn't mean it's not powerful... You're a fool if you can't see the gems in the Bible. People out here like "hehe Jesus thinks Camels can fit through needle heads... u guys are idiots, smh"