Eagle Flies = The young GTAO player base (aka these aggressive hyperactive 14 year olds getting mommy to pay hundreds of dollars worth of Shark Cards to fly around and blow shyt up in online mode.) Peep how Dutch hyped him up and used him and his friends to get all that bread for himself from the Tar & Kerosene factory raid

Peep how many more of them he eventually got working for him
Angelo Bronte = Fortnite, CoD etc
Jack Marston = child gamers, not old enough to have played the iconic Rockstar titles. Him getting kidnapped by Bronte was no coincidence...
Bill WIlliamson / Javier Escuela = Rockstar devs
Sean = Lazlow Jones
Mary Hinton = Hollywood. All the film opportunities that Houser and them were offered... Her and Arthur going to the movies together was no coincidence either...
Lenny = RdR2, the game itself. and all its potential.