Nero Christ
Sniper out now on all digital platforms brev
Just finished all the missions
Monumental game, top 10 game of all time, more of art than a standard video game. With that being said the ending of chapter 6 left a bad taste in my mouth pause. You spend so many hours with Arthur your invested in the story and just like that he dies and you move on right away to Marston and his story. It makes sense to do in order to tie in both games but It took away from the experience to me. I stopped playing for a month because I lost interest. Worst part is Arthur is only mentioned once in the epilouge when John is talking to Charles.
I'm checking out the online but i doesn't seem like something I'll get into so I will hang this up and continue going through my backlog. I will definitely revisit and finish hunting and exploring.
I always said this game is probably the closest you'll get to seeing a real close imitation of life in regards to grief. It's hard not to choke up getting towards the end of chapter 6, but ultimately that's life.
John & his fam are forced to move on quickly (they & everyone else are outlaws being hunted) real time to stop and reminisce. But I too, took some time before starting the epilogue but when I did restart, you realize it's some damn good fan service by R* (prolly the last we'll ever get from them).