Ghost Recon: Wildlands(on PC)
About to start my first mission. I’m so giddy and excited that I’m scared
Edit - Refund request submitted to Steam. Game looks amazing, but the simple not so simple fact that you cannot do something as basic as turn while moving...that's right... you cannot turn/look around, while moving at the same time. You have to STOP, then turn, then go again. The stupidest sh*t I have ever come across in a 3rd person shooter. It felt like a blast from the past like I was playing a game on Atari or something. Looked online and yep, that's just the way it is. No configurating the settings. No mods available to disable the feature. I tried to play it anyway. Went for about an hour. It's just too cumbersome and too much of a handicap to ignore/get used to. I requested the money be put back into my Steam wallet and I'm going to purchase Divisions instead. I just want a good 3rd person tactical/shooter. But that has always been, and still seems to be, so much to ask.
EDIT2- Got my $53.99 back