Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
Can you even cop it digitally I was playing some switch earlier and I didn't see it on the store..
TRIANGLE STRATEGY for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo
Can you even cop it digitally I was playing some switch earlier and I didn't see it on the store..
Probably but I don't trust Nintendo to maintain access.Can you even cop it digitally I was playing some switch earlier and I didn't see it on the store..
Upon further review these are amazing. I ditched the tips they came with and got some SpinFit CP1025 tips with the CPA2 adapter. Ironically I got those tips for my Galaxy Buds Pro, hated them on those and the 85t also uses that adapter. I put them on the 85ts and I have a better seal than the tips they came with. Even more ironic I put the 85t stock tips on the Buds Pro and they work good on them. Better to me than the Buds Pro stock tips.Just arrived..
These going back. Too many cutouts.Saw this at Sam’s Club for $100. Bought.