Sure... what about famine?
What about those scandinavian countries. And as broken down as certain things are in Cuba, when you compare famine levels there to most other third world capitalist countries its not doing to bad. As a matter of fact this country has socialist programs as do many market economies in western Europe. Instead of looking at things through capitalism vs. socialism people gotta start looking at things from the perspective of market based economies vs. planned economies. Market based economies always outperform planned economies but that doesn't mean that socialist policies don't have a place in a market based economy. Germany is a country with universal healthcare, and strong union and worker's rights yet they have one of the best capitalist economies in the world.
i stopped at "has been in the constitution". My point stands only one side of the coin can fix the problem, and its also the side directly in the service of the public. Stop doing gymnastics to relieve public servants of their responsibility and duty...
Who the hell is doing that. I don't identify myself with a particular ideology although I would say that yea I'm generally a progressive as long as the progressive values are effective and improve society. The difference between a libertarian and a progressive though is that while progressives have no issues making both government and big business accountable, libertarians can't for the life of them can make big business culpable for absolutely anything. I don't give any sell out policiticians any slack for any corruption, I'm just stating the truth. Their has been several attempts for campaign finance reform but we all know that getting a bill passed in congress is nearly impossible to pass as it is now especially a bill which would reform something that has been embedded in the constittution for such a long time.
and remind me what business owners have sworn to you, or promised you?
Because theres no oath sworn to me by business owners I can't make them culpable selling stocks and bonds from shytty mortgages and then betting against those same mortgages to fail? I can't be concerned that they regulate the amount of pollutants that they put in the air, or that they make sure that their more transparent about the products that they sell me.
here we go again 
You are redefining "power" from the looks of it. But lets see....
What "power" do these corps have in the absent of govt. and how do they wield it?