Ray Lewis III, son of former NFL player, charged with criminal sexual conduct


May 1, 2012
Im such a clown for literally reposting the garbage i see on this site in a sacastic manner....ok
You're a lie. Quote any poster saying that the black community is perfect and that Ray is a c00n for wanting better. You can't because no one has ever said that. Those are straw man arguments pulled from your own ass. Ray's rant wasn't about wanting better, it was about discrediting blacks who are calling out systematic racism and shielding whites from any blame.

But explain to me how attackin ray lewis and c00ns is ending white racism?
nikkas are up im arms again to attack another blk man for but none of yall do shyt to white surpremcy.....
No laws are passed. No changes in policy for policing on a federal level. We dont come together for shyt!!! but yea lets boycott yet another blk person because he is a c00n for talking about blk people and he doesnt think exactly like i do..
I just explained it to you. The post that I re-quoted to you clearly explains how/why Ray Lewis and anybody that cosigns him are c00ns who don't really give a fukk about the black community. c00ns like Ray Lewis use problems in the black community to deflect from the systematic racism that causes those problems just to get pat on the head by whites. Stop deflecting and deal with my argument. If you don't agree with what I'm saying then explain how I'm wrong. Don't just post dumb silly shyt, give an actual retort to my argument.


May 20, 2015
You're a lie. Quote any poster saying that the black community is perfect and that Ray is a c00n for wanting better. You can't because no one has ever said that. Those are straw man arguments pulled from your own ass. Ray's rant wasn't about wanting better, it was about discrediting blacks who are calling out systematic racism and shielding whites from any blame.

I just explained it to you. The post that I re-quoted to you clearly explains how/why Ray Lewis and anybody that cosigns him are c00ns who don't really give a fukk about the black community. c00ns like Ray Lewis use problems in the black community to deflect from the systematic racism that causes those problems just to get pat on the head by whites. Stop deflecting and deal with my argument. If you don't agree with what I'm saying then explain how I'm wrong. Don't just post dumb silly shyt, give an actual retort to my argument.
Im not deflecting talkin about ray lewis or c00ns does nothing for the blk community.. I ask u what does it do and you gave me no real reason. But yes lets focus on this fool ass football player and not the real issues right?.. Good luck with your life of c00n hunting you fake ass miltant...
Yea your words on the internet change the world breh ...
Feb 5, 2016
He used "black on black crime" as a deflection to systematic white racism and terrorism. When the police know that a black person killed someone and they have the evidence to convict they do so. Whites in the system don't work in cahoots to protect the killer like they do when it's a white person caught killing a black person. Whites and cops being allowed to kill blacks with impunity is state sanctioned terrorism and c00ns like Ray push these false equivalences to deflect from that terrorism and flip the blame onto blacks as a whole.

You're choosing to cosign someone who did hold all blacks responsible for what ignorant blacks do tho so there's no reach. Ray's video was aimed at the entire black community especially those speaking out against systematic white racism. See, if people like you and Ray were truly concerned about black on black crime then join in the fight against systematic racism because it's the root cause. You can't talk about black on black crime without talking about the guns, drugs placed into the black community with the intended purpose on keeping blacks dysfunctional. Why don't folk like you and Ray ever call out the government/system and its role in black on black crime since you care so much?
I called out all that. Also all cops who kill blacks don't go to jail not just the white ones. It's a police issue more than a race one..They protected by government. And if y'all care so much about black lives why don't u drop the stop snitching policy and tell on the people in the community killing blacks. Cause u poor it's not ok to kill someone. Cause u live close to people who look like u it's not ok to kill them. U just making excuses for ignorant blacks like white people excuse the police for killing blacks. It's ok cause of this or that. Blm pushes a agenda they funded by white people. U can't say black lives matter only when the police kill blacks. U should say it no matter who kills a black person. It's no excuse for either one


May 1, 2012
Im not deflecting talkin about ray lewis or c00ns does nothing for the blk community.. I ask u what does it do and you gave me no real reason. But yes lets focus on this fool ass football player and not the real issues right?.. Good luck with your life of c00n hunting you fake ass miltant...
Yea your words on the internet change the world breh ...
You are deflecting. This thread is about Ray Lewis dumb ass. If you don't want to talk about Ray Lewis and the news concerning him then take your fakkit ass to a thread that you are interested in discussing. All of this "calling out Ray Lewis and other c00ns does nothing for the black community" is a deflection. You've gone from defending Ray Lewis and his c00n rant to trying to discredit people for talking about him. You've been on this site for a year. Which one of your 2k plus posts helps the black community? How does posting about eating ass help the black community? How does posting about cardi b help the black community? Those are two of the trivial ass bullshyt topics that you've posted on in the last 12 hours, yet you come here tryna chastise folk on what they decide to post about. Like I said, you're a c00n just like Ray and its fukk you too.
I called out all that. Also all cops who kill blacks don't go to jail not just the white ones. It's a police issue more than a race one..They protected by government. And if y'all care so much about black lives why don't u drop the stop snitching policy and tell on the people in the community killing blacks. Cause u poor it's not ok to kill someone. Cause u live close to people who look like u it's not ok to kill them. U just making excuses for ignorant blacks like white people excuse the police for killing blacks. It's ok cause of this or that. Blm pushes a agenda they funded by white people. U can't say black lives matter only when the police kill blacks. U should say it no matter who kills a black person. It's no excuse for either one
I explained the difference in "black on black crime" and state sanctioned terrorism of blacks by whites. You're obviously too gotdamn stupid to understand the argument. Don't quote me anymore unless you just want to be insulted.


Nov 8, 2014
You're a lie. Quote any poster saying that the black community is perfect and that Ray is a c00n for wanting better. You can't because no one has ever said that. Those are straw man arguments pulled from your own ass. Ray's rant wasn't about wanting better, it was about discrediting blacks who are calling out systematic racism and shielding whites from any blame.
Rep + Dap


May 20, 2015
You are deflecting. This thread is about Ray Lewis dumb ass. If you don't want to talk about Ray Lewis and the news concerning him then take your fakkit ass to a thread that you are interested in discussing. All of this "calling out Ray Lewis and other c00ns does nothing for the black community" is a deflection. You've gone from defending Ray Lewis and his c00n rant to trying to discredit people for talking about him. You've been on this site for a year. Which one of your 2k plus posts helps the black community? How does posting about eating ass help the black community? How does posting about cardi b help the black community? Those are two of the trivial ass bullshyt topics that you've posted on in the last 12 hours, yet you come here tryna chastise folk on what they decide to post about. Like I said, you're a c00n just like Ray and its fukk you too.

Wow problems solved congrats you saved the blk community with this thread and your reponse attacking so called c00ns thank you we are so much better as a people......
You havent done shyt all you do is talk shyt like a female about another man on the internet
Your father failed you because u act like a woman....
Chatty patty fake miltant thread. Aint doin shyt to improve or fix shyt. Yall sound like yall getting yall nails done talkin about dude and his son...suprised this isnt lipstick alley or bossip or whatever the fukk...

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA

AA are so predictable

bytch nikka had the nerve to play the race card .. nikka don't even know shyt about the victims but it's a "racial thing":laff:

It's black "leaders " like this as to why AA opinions aren't credible. ...

How bout he and the rest of you numskulls wait until all of the information comes out before you start jumping to conclusions that you will refuse to apologize for within the next couple months once the real facts are released.:stop:
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
AA are so predictable

bytch nikka had the nerve to play the race card .. nikka don't even know shyt about the victims but it's a "racial thing":laff:

It's black "leaders " like this as to why AA opinions aren't credible. ...

How bout he and the rest of you numskulls wait until all of the information comes out before you start jumping to conclusions that you will refuse to apologize for within the next couple months once the real facts are released.:stop:
The point is not whether this was an actual assault, but that Ray Lewis looks like an idiot for trying to moralize to other people when his own son is a potential sexual offender.