More than half of these they half assed. Becky and Sasha turned heel, but have mostly gotten their asses kicked. Bray won the title at a PPV no one watched, instead of the previous PPV when the fans were asking for it (didn’t the crowd completely crap on the ending?). I can’t say much about the newer guys getting pushed, but all I know is months ago Cedric and Ricochet were having standout matches getting a rub from AJ Styles, and then I saw a graphic on twitter saying they were facing each other on Main Event, and based on reading some Raw results, there’s no way a match like that should’ve been left off a 3 hour show when you’re dedicating an enormous amount of TV time to the Lana/Lashley/Rusev storyline.
i agree the Sasha stuff was half-assed but Becky and Bayley got pushed about as much as they'll ever be pushed
HIAC was a bust cause of how the match ended not cause of who won
the newer guys had some weird 50/50 booking but fresh matches were promised and they delivered on that

it's largely give and take with this company especially with Cokeboy in charge, they'll never go 100% by what the fans want