Rate This City: Day 13 - Pittsburgh

Rate: Pittsburgh

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Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Most depressing city that I’ve ever had the displeasure of riding and stopping through. Like the city was perpetually caught under a grey cloud. Everything is grey.
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh. Lived there 26 years of my life. As soon as I graduated from Pitt in 2012 I moved to NYC then Denver and never moved back.

Went to visit family for Christmas, and the whole city just seemed so dark and dreary and just depressing. After living in NYC for years then Denver, coming back to Pittsburgh was like night and day. It just seemed so lifeless.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I think your whole perception of Pittsburgh is totally off. No opportunities for blacks; racist as fukk. shytty roads tear up our cars. Ran down looking, overall. Milk is 4.75 a gallon. Gas is $3. Nothing to do. The black communities are totally fukked up...I’ve lived in 6 other cities in 4 different states and this has to be the worst of all of them

Pittsburgh Is the Worst City in America for Black People. Here's How It Can Get Better

How Pittsburgh Fails Black Women in 6 Charts - CityLab


Pos rep pending. I also voted it 1 out of 10. Born and raised in the North Hills 20 minutes outside of Downtown.
I also tried to explain this to my family members, and they absolutely don't get it. They also live out in the suburbs where there's next to no black people out there.
I knew shyt was bad when I ended up working at the same McDonalds on McKnight Road that I had my fifth birthday party at. :martin:
Trying to find employment (not even GOOD employment...just basic employment) being black in Pittsburgh felt absolutely impossible.
Lots of unemployed Black people there...hanging out and around...not cause they don't wanna work...but these leave it to beaver ass peckerwoods don't wanna hire em.
Going to Pitt and getting my degree seemed like the only way to get out, so I did that. I originally wanted to go to school at St. Johns University in Queens, NY (got accepted there) but my family insisted on going to Pitt instead.

I absolutely fukking hated that school.
If you're Black, Male, and don't play sports, you might as well be invisible at Pitt.
I was the only Black dude in damn near ALL of my classes and the only non-white person in a few of them.
I only had 2 friends there in a student body of over 12,000 people.
As soon as I graduated I wanted nothing to do with that place. moved to New York and never came back.

Pittsburgh has no opportunities for Black people, no Black middle class, it's really racist as hell, segregated as hell, and worst of all you need a car to go everywhere and it's so old and poorly constructed things are just falling apart. Old houses in Oakland collapsing, bridges collapsing, landslides, etc. Besides the loss of the steel industry that really crippled everything, it just can't stop losing people. To this day, people are still moving out of that city in droves (me included).

I checked the city-data forums for Pittsburgh a few weeks back and all I see on the front page is just threads on businesses CLOSING...nothing opening.

Pittsburgh is just really starved for anything...new population growth, new industry, new whatever...cause I just see a city that the world has passed by.
Seems like the new things being built are old folks homes. UPMC is everywhere now.

Literally ALL of the things I used to enjoy and places I used to go to in Pittsburgh are gone now. I wouldn't even know what I would even do if I still lived there again....not like there was anything to do before I moved. I literally would just drive around all over Pittsburgh. The bar and club scene is just WHITE. After the Shadow Lounge and AVA closed (I used to DJ at both them spots) in East Liberty it just seemed like there was nothing Black to do.

when I came back there in 2014, I passed by it and it was some gentrification bar with some white dudes with Rollie Fingers moustaches serving drinks to white people.

That city is really fukking racist...let me tell you. I've had so many jobs that paid well in New York and Denver...meanwhile, employers would make sure I never had even a job when I was in college trying to make money even with no criminal record.

I'm happier not thinking about Pittsburgh...it's a shythole. But I still got love for it. :yeshrug:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Pos rep pending. I also voted it 1 out of 10. Born and raised in the North Hills 20 minutes outside of Downtown.
I also tried to explain this to my family members, and they absolutely don't get it. They also live out in the suburbs where there's next to no black people out there.
I knew shyt was bad when I ended up working at the same McDonalds on McKnight Road that I had my fifth birthday party at. :martin:
Trying to find employment (not even GOOD employment...just basic employment) being black in Pittsburgh felt absolutely impossible.
Lots of unemployed Black people there...hanging out and around...not cause they don't wanna work...but these leave it to beaver ass peckerwoods don't wanna hire em.
Going to Pitt and getting my degree seemed like the only way to get out, so I did that. I originally wanted to go to school at St. Johns University in Queens, NY (got accepted there) but my family insisted on going to Pitt instead.

I absolutely fukking hated that school.
If you're Black, Male, and don't play sports, you might as well be invisible at Pitt.
I was the only Black dude in damn near ALL of my classes and the only non-white person in a few of them.
I only had 2 friends there in a student body of over 12,000 people.
As soon as I graduated I wanted nothing to do with that place. moved to New York and never came back.

Pittsburgh has no opportunities for Black people, no Black middle class, it's really racist as hell, segregated as hell, and worst of all you need a car to go everywhere and it's so old and poorly constructed things are just falling apart. Old houses in Oakland collapsing, bridges collapsing, landslides, etc. Besides the loss of the steel industry that really crippled everything, it just can't stop losing people. To this day, people are still moving out of that city in droves (me included).

I checked the city-data forums for Pittsburgh a few weeks back and all I see on the front page is just threads on businesses CLOSING...nothing opening.

Pittsburgh is just really starved for anything...new population growth, new industry, new whatever...cause I just see a city that the world has passed by.
Seems like the new things being built are old folks homes. UPMC is everywhere now.

Literally ALL of the things I used to enjoy and places I used to go to in Pittsburgh are gone now. I wouldn't even know what I would even do if I still lived there again....not like there was anything to do before I moved. I literally would just drive around all over Pittsburgh. The bar and club scene is just WHITE. After the Shadow Lounge and AVA closed (I used to DJ at both them spots) in East Liberty it just seemed like there was nothing Black to do.

when I came back there in 2014, I passed by it and it was some gentrification bar with some white dudes with Rollie Fingers moustaches serving drinks to white people.

That city is really fukking racist...let me tell you. I've had so many jobs that paid well in New York and Denver...meanwhile, employers would make sure I never had even a job when I was in college trying to make money even with no criminal record.

I'm happier not thinking about Pittsburgh...it's a shythole. But I still got love for it. :yeshrug:
Spot on about the racists. I moved back to help my parents out in 2020. I’ve been living in Northern Florida for most of my adult life. One thing about being back is it seems like nothing has changed

Also the slick passive aggressive racist behavior is very noticeable. Say what you want about Florida cacs but they are upfront with their racism. Cacs up here are really really slick

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Spot on about the racists. I moved back to help my parents out in 2020. I’ve been living in Northern Florida for most of my adult life. One thing about being back is it seems like nothing has changed

Also the slick passive aggressive racist behavior is very noticeable. Say what you want about Florida cacs but they are upfront with their racism. Cacs up here are really really slick

In more ways than one, Pittsburgh is the city that stays the same and very little changes.

Somebody a couple of pages back said that Pittsburgh feels like it's 3-5 years behind the times. That's how I felt living there. It's just behind the times in many ways. But I guess if people can root for the Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins, people don't care.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
Pos rep pending. I also voted it 1 out of 10. Born and raised in the North Hills 20 minutes outside of Downtown.
I also tried to explain this to my family members, and they absolutely don't get it. They also live out in the suburbs where there's next to no black people out there.
I knew shyt was bad when I ended up working at the same McDonalds on McKnight Road that I had my fifth birthday party at. :martin:
Trying to find employment (not even GOOD employment...just basic employment) being black in Pittsburgh felt absolutely impossible.
Lots of unemployed Black people there...hanging out and around...not cause they don't wanna work...but these leave it to beaver ass peckerwoods don't wanna hire em.
Going to Pitt and getting my degree seemed like the only way to get out, so I did that. I originally wanted to go to school at St. Johns University in Queens, NY (got accepted there) but my family insisted on going to Pitt instead.

I absolutely fukking hated that school.
If you're Black, Male, and don't play sports, you might as well be invisible at Pitt.
I was the only Black dude in damn near ALL of my classes and the only non-white person in a few of them.
I only had 2 friends there in a student body of over 12,000 people.
As soon as I graduated I wanted nothing to do with that place. moved to New York and never came back.

Pittsburgh has no opportunities for Black people, no Black middle class, it's really racist as hell, segregated as hell, and worst of all you need a car to go everywhere and it's so old and poorly constructed things are just falling apart. Old houses in Oakland collapsing, bridges collapsing, landslides, etc. Besides the loss of the steel industry that really crippled everything, it just can't stop losing people. To this day, people are still moving out of that city in droves (me included).

I checked the city-data forums for Pittsburgh a few weeks back and all I see on the front page is just threads on businesses CLOSING...nothing opening.

Pittsburgh is just really starved for anything...new population growth, new industry, new whatever...cause I just see a city that the world has passed by.
Seems like the new things being built are old folks homes. UPMC is everywhere now.

Literally ALL of the things I used to enjoy and places I used to go to in Pittsburgh are gone now. I wouldn't even know what I would even do if I still lived there again....not like there was anything to do before I moved. I literally would just drive around all over Pittsburgh. The bar and club scene is just WHITE. After the Shadow Lounge and AVA closed (I used to DJ at both them spots) in East Liberty it just seemed like there was nothing Black to do.

when I came back there in 2014, I passed by it and it was some gentrification bar with some white dudes with Rollie Fingers moustaches serving drinks to white people.

That city is really fukking racist...let me tell you. I've had so many jobs that paid well in New York and Denver...meanwhile, employers would make sure I never had even a job when I was in college trying to make money even with no criminal record.

I'm happier not thinking about Pittsburgh...it's a shythole. But I still got love for it. :yeshrug:
Got damn; salute like a muthafukka. You know the city in and out. My family and I also talk about how Pittsburgh makes you complacent and the same people that was doing nothing 20 years ago are still doing nothing. My wife works for UPMC but she’s remote and we stay in FL now. I’m from the southside and there’s so many area around Knoxville, Beltzhoover, and Allentown that’s being bought out by UPMC that it’s not even funny. The reason it ain’t funny is because blacks people aren’t going to be able to afford that shyt too much longer.

Yep all the black owned businesses up Mt Oliver, Allentown, downtown, and all that shyt is all being closed up. People with actually skills and business sense can’t even get anywhere in life. Until I started working for myself I was working all in Robinson, Cannonsburg, and all them areas at one point so I know all about the racism.


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
I'm currently doing some research on Pittsburgh and figured I'd ask y'all who live or have lived there. Basically just for any food recommendations. I know Primanti Bros is a definite. Also seen some Condado Tacos and milkshake factory spots I have an interest in checking out. Any decent breakfast spots in the area, or even pizza or anything? Something in the downtown area, nothing too crazy out far.

I'm hitting up a Pirates game, and also might check out the Heinz museum and some Duquesne overlook thing. Didn't see much that interested me from the youtube videos I seen. The Fort Duquesne park looks interesting but nothing too exciting. The Heinz history center looks like an interesting thing to do and a good time killer. Not like the other museums around the area which are prolly geared more towards kids.

Also what's the bar scene like? Any worth checking out?


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Got back from my trip last night so felt like I should give it a rating and I would say its a 5. Not sure if lot has changed since thread was created few years back or not. Seems like most of the scores were lower so I'm guessing they haven't. I stayed in the downtown part of the city and didn't venture further out of that general area, just across river to the inclines, to PNC Park, and as far east as PPG Arena so couldn't comment on the surrounding neighborhoods. The area where I stayed was decent. This place called Market Square, that had a soul food festival thru out the weekend. Bunch of vendors and food trucks out there so I got some grub like two days from there. Tried some perogies food truck that apparently is a popular food out there and that was good. Also had some jerk chicken and a few other items from random vendors. It was a decent little festival. That area looks like a cool spot to have community events. Other food spots I ate at were this Waffles Incaffeinated place that was good and City Works that was there on market square which was ok. Had some pizza from Pizza Parma which was recommended to me by some random guys as I was walking back from the wrestling event I went there to attend at PPG Arena, and it was really good pizza. This was later at night so the options were limited but still good pizza. Millie's Ice Cream and Milkshake Factory were also places I hit up that were good. Then yesterday before heading to the airport, I hit up the Primanti Bros and it was really good. I had the pittsburgher which was one of their best sellers and I'd recommend it.

I went to the event at PPG Arena which was a nice arena, and a game at PNC Park, which looks to be one of the nicest stadiums in the league. I also ride one incline and walked across to the Duquesne one and rode that back down. Was nice seeing all the lookout points up there of the city. I went to the Heinz Center which was cool and Point State Park which had a museum as well. Was cool looking thru all the history especially since Pittsburgh has so much of it. I did want to check out the Warhol one but didn't get a chance. Also heard this Randyland place was nice and a few other spots as well. Public transportation was decent. I got the 7 day pass and everything looked to run smoothly, as well as lot of places being walking distance. Plus the weather was decent. Think it was in the 60s or 70s so a break from the 90s that I'm used to. No rain either. Did see some boats out on the river on Labor Day so I'm guessing the weather is often decent enough to make having a boat up there worth it. There was a decent amount of homeless people but that wouldn't be too surprising since I was staying in the main metro area. Mostly saw whites and blacks with some asians but not as much, and some indian tourists but it seems like they can be found everywhere. I might've been one of a few Hispanics if that, but looking at demographics, doesn't seem to be much of those out there. Didn't check out any bars or anything but it seemed like the city wasn't much of a late night city. Streets looked kinda dead before midnight. Don't think its much of a party town in the area I was in. City wasn't too dirty or anything, but manageable. The worst part of all were the damn bugs. These lanternfly shyts were a pain in the ass. They don't bite or anything but they land on you and be annoying as hell. I thought mosquitoes were bad but these motherfukkers were like swarm of locusts surrounding the city. I had a fear of them following back home. Don't know how the citizens survive.

Overall I say its an ok city with lots of interesting history but not anything special. Few spots I'd check out as well as a Steelers game but other than that, I don't think its a city worth living in. Maybe a week long vacation to check out the sites and sports but nothing too special. Was a very mid city.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Got back from my trip last night so felt like I should give it a rating and I would say its a 5. Not sure if lot has changed since thread was created few years back or not. Seems like most of the scores were lower so I'm guessing they haven't. I stayed in the downtown part of the city and didn't venture further out of that general area, just across river to the inclines, to PNC Park, and as far east as PPG Arena so couldn't comment on the surrounding neighborhoods. The area where I stayed was decent. This place called Market Square, that had a soul food festival thru out the weekend. Bunch of vendors and food trucks out there so I got some grub like two days from there. Tried some perogies food truck that apparently is a popular food out there and that was good. Also had some jerk chicken and a few other items from random vendors. It was a decent little festival. That area looks like a cool spot to have community events. Other food spots I ate at were this Waffles Incaffeinated place that was good and City Works that was there on market square which was ok. Had some pizza from Pizza Parma which was recommended to me by some random guys as I was walking back from the wrestling event I went there to attend at PPG Arena, and it was really good pizza. This was later at night so the options were limited but still good pizza. Millie's Ice Cream and Milkshake Factory were also places I hit up that were good. Then yesterday before heading to the airport, I hit up the Primanti Bros and it was really good. I had the pittsburgher which was one of their best sellers and I'd recommend it.

I went to the event at PPG Arena which was a nice arena, and a game at PNC Park, which looks to be one of the nicest stadiums in the league. I also ride one incline and walked across to the Duquesne one and rode that back down. Was nice seeing all the lookout points up there of the city. I went to the Heinz Center which was cool and Point State Park which had a museum as well. Was cool looking thru all the history especially since Pittsburgh has so much of it. I did want to check out the Warhol one but didn't get a chance. Also heard this Randyland place was nice and a few other spots as well. Public transportation was decent. I got the 7 day pass and everything looked to run smoothly, as well as lot of places being walking distance. Plus the weather was decent. Think it was in the 60s or 70s so a break from the 90s that I'm used to. No rain either. Did see some boats out on the river on Labor Day so I'm guessing the weather is often decent enough to make having a boat up there worth it. There was a decent amount of homeless people but that wouldn't be too surprising since I was staying in the main metro area. Mostly saw whites and blacks with some asians but not as much, and some indian tourists but it seems like they can be found everywhere. I might've been one of a few Hispanics if that, but looking at demographics, doesn't seem to be much of those out there. Didn't check out any bars or anything but it seemed like the city wasn't much of a late night city. Streets looked kinda dead before midnight. Don't think its much of a party town in the area I was in. City wasn't too dirty or anything, but manageable. The worst part of all were the damn bugs. These lanternfly shyts were a pain in the ass. They don't bite or anything but they land on you and be annoying as hell. I thought mosquitoes were bad but these motherfukkers were like swarm of locusts surrounding the city. I had a fear of them following back home. Don't know how the citizens survive.

Overall I say its an ok city with lots of interesting history but not anything special. Few spots I'd check out as well as a Steelers game but other than that, I don't think its a city worth living in. Maybe a week long vacation to check out the sites and sports but nothing too special. Was a very mid city.
I'd be really interested to hear what cities you place ahead of Pittsburgh, if you don't mind. Because you gave Pittsburgh a 5 and called it mid. It's pretty easily one of the dopest cities in the US in its weight class to me, so I'd really love to hear what formed your opinion?

Also, where are you from, Boston, right?


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
I'd be really interested to hear what cities you place ahead of Pittsburgh, if you don't mind. Because you gave Pittsburgh a 5 and called it mid. It's pretty easily one of the dopest cities in the US in its weight class to me, so I'd really love to hear what formed your opinion?

Also, where are you from, Boston, right?

I'm in South Florida. Never been to Boston but hopefully one day. Only major cities I've really been to are NYC, Chicago, Houston, and Vegas, and a bit of Atlanta & Philly, which I plan on visiting more of next spring. Of course Tampa and Orlando as well but thats just cuz I'm not too far from them, and Jacksonville but I think that city is lower than Pittsburgh. But I don't think you can compare the first 3 to Pittsburgh and Vegas in its own class cuz its more of a gambling/tourist type of city. Pittsburgh is decent for its weight class no doubt but not as big a city as those which are all top 5 in population, compared to Pittsburgh that looks to have about 300k people. Its a decent city no doubt but I feel like there's not much there from what I saw. Maybe further out from the area I was in there might be. Beautiful scenery, of course most places have better scenery than flat and boring Florida. Its a nice town for its group but I haven't seen others similar to it in order to say what I would grade those. I would say it was based on the downtown area so maybe seeing more of it would've had me giving a bit higher score, plus the elimination of all those annoying bugs. I'm also obviously not a cold weather fan so luckily I didn't go there when it was colder but I don't think that would've changed things. Can't comment on the people, everyone seemed ok. Some loud and rambunctious kids walking around here and there but nothing too crazy. I'll have to see what the other cities similar to it are like in order to determine how they match up against it. Thats also from a tourist perspective so residents or former residents with more knowledge may have a better perspective.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I'm in South Florida. Never been to Boston but hopefully one day. Only major cities I've really been to are NYC, Chicago, Houston, and Vegas, and a bit of Atlanta & Philly, which I plan on visiting more of next spring. Of course Tampa and Orlando as well but thats just cuz I'm not too far from them, and Jacksonville but I think that city is lower than Pittsburgh. But I don't think you can compare the first 3 to Pittsburgh and Vegas in its own class cuz its more of a gambling/tourist type of city. Pittsburgh is decent for its weight class no doubt but not as big a city as those which are all top 5 in population, compared to Pittsburgh that looks to have about 300k people. Its a decent city no doubt but I feel like there's not much there from what I saw. Maybe further out from the area I was in there might be. Beautiful scenery, of course most places have better scenery than flat and boring Florida. Its a nice town for its group but I haven't seen others similar to it in order to say what I would grade those. I would say it was based on the downtown area so maybe seeing more of it would've had me giving a bit higher score, plus the elimination of all those annoying bugs. I'm also obviously not a cold weather fan so luckily I didn't go there when it was colder but I don't think that would've changed things. Can't comment on the people, everyone seemed ok. Some loud and rambunctious kids walking around here and there but nothing too crazy. I'll have to see what the other cities similar to it are like in order to determine how they match up against it. Thats also from a tourist perspective so residents or former residents with more knowledge may have a better perspective.
For me, to keep cities in context, you have to view them in comparison to cities that have similar sized metro populations and/or economies. Pittsburgh, and other cities like it, are not going to look favorably if the comp is to New York, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, or Philadelphia. We agree on that...

Pittsburgh's peer cities in terms of size are:

Austin, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Fort Worth, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Nashville, Newark, Oakland, Orlando, Portland, Riverside, Sacramento, St Louis, San Antonio, San Jose, Tampa...

I've been to 9 of those cities in that range so I have a pretty strong base of comparison. Pittsburgh has the essence of a city that used to be much larger than it is at present, because it was. It has a developed interior and a robust public transit system. Again these things aren't that impressive if we're comparing to cities way larger, but if you're looking at the cities in its weight class, it's top of its tier...

It packs quite a cultural punch, with slang and food and style that are unique to Pittsburgh but recognized beyond Pittsburgh as well. There is definitely more hustle and bustle downtown than in most peer cities, you mentioned some of it. It's education infrastructure is elite for the size of this city, too...

Pittsburgh shyts on Vegas, Vegas is so fukking overrated. It's in a desert, fukking hot, everything looks the same. Pittsburgh is more visually stimulating and the novelty of casinos and nightlife are thin to me. I have coworkers who go to the casinos in Oklahoma every weekend (I'm currently in Fort Worth), casinos aren't "everywhere" but Vegas is far from the only place that has them, its just that it's the entire industry there. Clubs, street shows, there are better looking cities that have this entertainment and it doesn't look as cheap...

I'd take Pittsburgh over Las Vegas 11 times outta 10, the only advantage to living in Vegas would be I'm closer to fam in California. That's it and that's all...

I think you're hard on Pittsburgh but you also did say you haven't been many places so I get it, your frame of reference is looking at these much bigger cities when you're comparing Pittsburgh 🤣 🤣...