I thought we'd win between 35-40 games, miss the playoffs, but continue to develop the young talent.
I didn't expect this level of incompetence.
Had they hired a better coach, I don't think they'd be too far off my expectations.
there's no system in place, order, structure....none of that shyt.
I think Watson & PJ Tucker might be on some

Watson's in love with that dude.Contract year for Tucker---Wouldn't be surprised if PJ's debo'ing him
for playing time.
PJ's "hustle & defense" is overblown like a muthafukka.He had a good game against Anthony Davis
and now they're acting like he's a prime Dennis Rodman.3 years ago, PJ understood his role.He really was
a hustle player.At present, he's shot.Plus he tries to do too much on offense.Between him, Knight, Chandler,
Len, Barbosa, and at times Bleds...the Suns gotta have the lowest team IQ in the league.Especially PJ, Knight,
Len, and Barbosa.That's the pea-brained quartet.