That's my GOAT, but gotdamn
That's my point exactly. His numbers this year aren't better than his MVP season. His overall game hasn't grown much since that year. Not even from a stats standpoints, which clearly they haven't but from an actual basketball player level (still an average defender at best; no post game; and still takes some questionable shots) You want to argue that he peaked that year, go ahead but a dude this talented should've have peaked that early.
never stop with the Ls ATL
Why?Inside the NBA got me
Bumpcasso talking about SagerWhy?
He missed the season after and coudnt play basketball for nearly a year. Put up close to a 50/40/90 season this year while being #2 in the league in PER
28/8/5 per game shooting 50% from the field.
WTF else do you want?