I'd rather take a sure thing at worse than another defensive guy that literally addresses none of the team's concerns. Mid-lotto picks are generally trash.
And what are the odds the Nets stay trash with a cashed out owner until 2018? Zero. This is a team that rolled out the goons and paid overtime
They just did it last year
And I mean value as in, if you put together all of the best of the Cs existing roster, you wouldn't have enough to land him in trade. Celtics got two Kemba Walkers, the shytty Zeller, and the second coming of Sean May as their best pieces going foward.
Celtics could never land FAs and yal draft worse than Charlotte ever did over the same timeline. I trust the Russian's wallet to be at least good enough to be NOT hyped over a pick in
just to make sure that Atlanta wouldn't get a shot at a .6% chance lottery pick. No team is just gonna sit there and knowingly be bad enough to put in position to give away a high chance at a #1 overall. It never happens.
Frank can ball. Whatever. If he was black yal wouldn't have shyt to say and you know it