Essential Random Gym Thoughts Revisited...

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
Brehs do you go on long rest periods? I’m in the gym 3-4 days out of the week. Obviously I try to spread out the sessions by going out to the gym one day then resting the next before I go back, but my body has been feeling like it needs longer rest days than usual.

I’m going to go to the gym today even though I still feel somewhat sore/heavy in certain areas of my body. I haven’t been there since Thursday so I should be good. But I can’t stop thinking about this tweet I read from former WWF/WWE wrestler Taz and basically he was advising everyone to give their body the proper rest it needs to omit any long-term issues. Taz reflected all the times he went hard af in the gym when he was tired/sore and now he can barely move his body.

How do you guys approach rest? It’s essential to building muscle anyway.

I got tired at looking at answers on Reddit and other gym sites where the typical answer was 2-3 days rest.


May 15, 2012
Brehs do you go on long rest periods? I’m in the gym 3-4 days out of the week. Obviously I try to spread out the sessions by going out to the gym one day then resting the next before I go back, but my body has been feeling like it needs longer rest days than usual.

I’m going to go to the gym today even though I still feel somewhat sore/heavy in certain areas of my body. I haven’t been there since Thursday so I should be good. But I can’t stop thinking about this tweet I read from former WWF/WWE wrestler Taz and basically he was advising everyone to give their body the proper rest it needs to omit any long-term issues. Taz reflected all the times he went hard af in the gym when he was tired/sore and now he can barely move his body.

How do you guys approach rest? It’s essential to building muscle anyway.

I got tired at looking at answers on Reddit and other gym sites where the typical answer was 2-3 days rest.
It's going to be hard give you a good answer because everyone's body is different and everyone trains different. Speaking for myself, I listen to my body and track how my lifts feel each workout. If I feel extremely exhausted or if I'm struggling with weight I normally lift easily, I'll take the next day off to recover(no lifting at all). How long have you been lifting and what are you doing when you are lifting(exercises, reps, weight,etc)? Also, I'm not saying Taz is wrong but I'm sure he didn't live the healthiest lifestyle which also contributed to his body being in the state that it is in. Plenty of Olympic lifters are living life without any issues and I'm sure they push their bodies just as hard if not harder.

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
It's going to be hard give you a good answer because everyone's body is different and everyone trains different. Speaking for myself, I listen to my body and track how my lifts feel each workout. If I feel extremely exhausted or if I'm struggling with weight I normally lift easily, I'll take the next day off to recover(no lifting at all). How long have you been lifting and what are you doing when you are lifting(exercises, reps, weight,etc)? Also, I'm not saying Taz is wrong but I'm sure he didn't live the healthiest lifestyle which also contributed to his body being in the state that it is in. Plenty of Olympic lifters are living life without any issues and I'm sure they push their bodies just as hard if not harder.
I’ve been working out for years but this is the first year where I’m in the gym 3-4 times a week consistently. I don’t go longer than 3 days without being in gym.

But I usually do a day for chest, two days of leg day, and then I usually finish the week with triceps exercises.

I couldn’t do a pull-up back in the day but now I’ve been reaching 80-100 pull ups on the machine every time whenever it’s chest or triceps day and it’s a great feeling.

I don’t think I’m over lifting my weights. I do notice I do the same workouts though maybe that could be a problem?

My issue is the blades in my back/shoulders will sometimes hurt longer than I feel like they should. Then I always have to decide if I should risk it and work out anyways or go clinically insane because I haven’t been to the gym


May 15, 2012
I’ve been working out for years but this is the first year where I’m in the gym 3-4 times a week consistently. I don’t go longer than 3 days without being in gym.

But I usually do a day for chest, two days of leg day, and then I usually finish the week with triceps exercises.

I couldn’t do a pull-up back in the day but now I’ve been reaching 80-100 pull ups on the machine every time whenever it’s chest or triceps day and it’s a great feeling.

I don’t think I’m over lifting my weights. I do notice I do the same workouts though maybe that could be a problem?

My issue is the blades in my back/shoulders will sometimes hurt longer than I feel like they should. Then I always have to decide if I should risk it and work out anyways or go clinically insane because I haven’t been to the gym
Why so many pull up reps and why on a machine? Not trying to be rude but it sounds like your workout routine is the problem. You're probably sore because you're overworking your body and it's never fully recovering. My advice would be to get a real workout routine and cut back on the pull ups for a bit to give your body some time to adjust and recover.

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
Why so many pull up reps and why on a machine? Not trying to be rude but it sounds like your workout routine is the problem. You're probably sore because you're overworking your body and it's never fully recovering. My advice would be to get a real workout routine and cut back on the pull ups for a bit to give your body some time to adjust and recover.
I don’t know why I do so many lol

But you’re probably right about the workout routine. I guess I do the same shyt because I don’t know that many ways to exercise :manny:


Jul 1, 2012
Recently sprain my ankle playing basketball...recovered went to play soccer, now I have pain in my thighs...time to hang it up at 35 lol. I need to just hit the weights and eat healthy
I’m playing ball today, been months, I wanna take it easy but these aholes talk too much shyt. My shot better be wet or it’s gonna be a long day.