Just about anything else, but that assumes you actually want to find a preworkout and take it.
If you're cool without one, then by all means. I know some folks hate em, and some folks like me love em, so it's definitely personal preference.
That Six Star is a Wally Mart product (no snob) that's not exactly legit, and the other was a Cutler nutrition product that doesn't even have beta alanine in it (

- Beta alanine is one of the three 'essential' ingredients in a PWO, along with caffeine and citrulline (L- or malate, preferably CM).
- A PWO that has a nutritional facts label that has recommendations for both 1 and 2 scoops is almost certainly underdosed; stay away!
tl;dr: Get some regular-ass C4 (even drinkable from the gas station will do) and see if it's every single pre or just some that fukk your stomach up.