After about a month and a half, made a return to the old stomping grounds. Gotta find a way to make overtime at work and still hit up the gym a few times a week. Gonna have to sacrifice for a bit but I been slacking lately. Hopefully I improve my diet a bit more now that football season almost over. Be doing too much snacking on weekends. Didn't do too today, just some bench pressing but I nearly killed myself. Still did better than I ever done so maybe the break didn't hurt me. Did a pyramid set. Did 10 at 135, 7 at 155, 5 at 175, 3 at 195, and came back down. Don't think I've ever attempted 195 but now I know I definitely can do it. I had a goal this year to hit 200 and I'm definitely gonna hit that soon. The game plan now is consistency. Did some elliptical after to get some cardio in. Just gotta maintain at least a three visit a week routine. Gonna see if I get to work an hour earlier at least tomorrow and then stay a few more hours and hit up the gym after.