Falcons looking for some pass rushers, we need you breh! lol
I ain't even trying to get anywhere near 220. Can't see myself caryrying more than 215 honestly. But nah I ain't skinny fat, I played a lot of basketball, do some circuits with my girl, and did Sworkit workouts every once in a while i was out of the gym
My upper body is thicker (II), broad shoulders/chest, ab-less skinny midsection, and I have skinny legs(fukk genetics)
For reference, this is me last summer. My arms arent as big since I haven't been lifting
The only reason I said bulk to 220 or close is just so you dont have to worry about gaining wait and having to diet again. Assuming you haven't really lifted in the past, you will get some good Noob gainz, and if you do it slow you will minimize fat gain, dieting sucks so at least after you have one good bulk, you can do one good cut, and then just maintain from there on and gain muscle slowly and comfortably.