High schools be having weight rooms like that?.... Canada really sucks when it comes to collegiate athletics. A weightroom like that wouldn't even be in 90% of the universities here..... only the "big names" would have a "decent" setup......
some of the best gyms i have seen in my life have been HS weight rooms
i went to some rando ass HS out in Indiana for work once w/ my boss. i was trying to figure out how i was going to get my competition training in and after like an hour or so my boss realized she could handle the event so she's like "hey if you want to go get your training in, the gym is down the hall to the right you can probably use it"
i go in that shyt and it's legit 30 cages, fresh power bars, all types of regular, calibrated plates, etc. i stepped out to grab some water and went down another hall and they had a wall of w/ pictures of athletes, from the floor to the ceiling, that went D1 since it the school opened in the 2000s and that shyt was deadass like a quarter mile long

they were cranking em out of that area. all these "middle of nowhere" ass places have is sports so they go all out.