I should’ve rephrased that question. Are squats all you need to build core strength?
Likely not:
You can squat but is your form and the weight at a level to create that strength?
Direct core work (sit-ups, crunches, etc) doesn’t mean core strength. I see dudes all the time doing side bends with kettle bells and I’m certain they don’t have core strength.
You also didn’t define ”core strength”
@Swirv. What is that and how do you measure it?
IMO I find (barbell) compound lifts to be better builders of skrenf and isolation movements to be better for developing “aesthetics” (hypertrophy, emphasizing insertions, muscle belly shape, etc), but that is an extreme oversimplification.
I think isometric exercises and maybe even high-level calisthenics would be better for what you’re going for than squatting.
As someone who can squat a decent amount but doesn’t do a lot of direct core work, I think I squatted so much in spite of my core, not because my core was strong from squating so much.