Pretty boi CFO Squirrels Burgers KillaKwuads
Watch this reel by ferdiefitness on Instagram
less go. #SerumBoyz
less go. #SerumBoyz
Woke up and said I was gonna take another rest day but I seen a strength levels video by Jeff Nippard and I need to hit advanced lifts by January 2023 (my ten year anniversary of lifting weights)
Cold weather runs
Nah I’m in Texas which does surprisingly get cold! Hopeful to not have to deal with snow but I can still wear my fur—-er I mean uh, Bubble goose and Timbs like a real oneI dunno if you in the northeast, but this winter might be brutal
This definitely feels like a chillier OVERALL fall than last year
Woke up and said I was gonna take another rest day but I seen a strength levels video by Jeff Nippard and I need to hit advanced lifts by January 2023 (my ten year anniversary of lifting weights)
What is this advanced lifts series one talketh of?
on another note, taking that day off and not biking to the gym on deadlift day has given me that extra juice........legs still fried from the combo of squatting and biking most days to the gym tho............I'm fretting what's gonna happen when I add the Muay Thai back in.....
You ain’t that guyWas about to mollywop some cacs at the gym. Less fuxking around more liftin. So I can get to them squat racks
Oh but I am. #serumboizz taking appsYou ain’t that guy
Not an advanced lift series, just a litmus test for folks to see how strong they are in relation to their Big 3 lifts.
Low t level problemsSleep followed by an equally proportional workout
I have my bets places this gon be you