I’m so happy to see vascularity nownever seen it in my life
Yea, i really like doing it at home where I can control the environment - that said, sometimes I find videos where they hold poses for more than five minutes and I can't for the life of me quiet my mind and stay present that long@dora_da_destroyer I dont know why I have been sleeping on yin yoga
I was doing my regular vinyasa routine and I just wasnt feeling it. Did one pose and my leg was like. I ended up finding a yin yoga video on YouTube and doing that instead. If I had nothing to do that today I might have just sunk into that relaxation for hours
My motivation to workout plummets when it rains.
And on my run outside I almost got bit by a lil raggedy ass dog - I screamed because I partly was about to kick the shyt out of it and he was running so fast I thought he would bite me.
I first started noticing when I slowed my reps down. My diet has also improved a lot.what made it show?
No expert by any means but to me It helps to really get into yourself. Really listen to your body and let thoughts come and go. Feel soreness or spots getting relief. Its more so being into what you are doing then trying to quiet the mind because that often leads to you engaging the thoughts anywayYea, i really like doing it at home where I can control the environment - that said, sometimes I find videos where they hold poses for more than five minutes and I can't for the life of me quiet my mind and stay present that long
But it helped my lower back and hips a lot.