there's more to my routine after those 3 things a big dude myself...up to about 5 years ago i used to do cardio like that, lift heavy, and then go box...all in one day..but body is starting to wear down..getting older so this year i was like let me focus on trying to get my cardio back to those high levels...give my usual superman type muscle a rest for a while..down 20 of course im going to keep it how far i can take it
Right On, I used to do the same shyt too. I was power lifting and doing boxing at the same time got me lean, Real lean.
The lowest I got was 212, I was to light in the ass, My body frame can hold mass, I could of been a bodybuilder, I have a small waist and can hold weight without looking flabby. The biggest I got was 330
Last year I was doing Gracie Jujitsu after work and when that class ended I went to Golds Gym.
I dropped 25 pounds in one month doing Muay Thai and lifting weights
Judo was the hardest shyt I ever done, getting throwed everyday is no joke, and Judo throws fukkin hurt, if a Judoka ever get a person in a clinch and execute any of their throws, the fights over, I don't care who you is you ain't getting up.
I'm 41 breh still train with the savages on the mat and get it in the gym. I'm returning to Muay Thai in a few month's
We are Warrior's it's in our blood