what's your meal rotation looking like?
530am - 2 scoops of pre Jym
6am - 7:15am workout
7:15am - 2 scoops of post Jym and 1 scoop vitargo
8:00am - 2 scoops pro Jym (protein)
10:00am - 6 scrambled eggs w few slices turkey, 5 oz spinach
1:00pm and 4:00pm - medium meal w no carb option from this website ( eatbettermeals.com )
7:00pm - I usually make 8oz of protein (chicken or fish or steak or pork) 8oz of green vegetable and either 8oz rice / a baked potato / serving of whole wheat pasta
If I get hungry between meals I snack on raw almonds or walnuts but am very careful about not overdoing it.
This is a pretty much a locked in schedule for me Monday - Friday. Saturday and Sunday Im all over the place schedule wise and not as strict w carbs. I do make sure I hit my protein target though.
It's far from perfect but I'm it's as close as I can come to cutting very slowly without sacrificing too much muscle mass and strength.